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Cherry Picker

Jodi Picoult
Any Picoult fans here?  She writes for young adults, but I absolutely LOVE her books.  Nineteen Minutes came out this summer and was great.  The first three or four paragraphs are probably the most memorable paragraphs I've read.  It's about a high school shooting, but all of her books have HUGE twists in the end. I read My Sister's Keeper this summer as well and I yelled out loud near the end.  In over 40 years of being a read-a-holic, I have never called out loud before.  My husband and son couldn't believe it when it happened.  In fact, My Sister's Keeper is going to be made into a movie. The reason for this post, is because I recommended Plain Truth on the post about The Shunning and I thought, "Oops!  I need to let everyone else know about this author!"  Don't get me wrong, she'll probably not go down in history as a literary great, but I really enjoy her! 
Lisa -- Anything can happen to me tomorrow,
but at least nothing more can happen to me yesterday!
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Wild Cherry

Jodi Picoult
Yeah, I love her stuff.  I've read several.
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Cherry Jubilee

Jodi Picoult
The only one I've read byher so far is The Pact.  I want to read more of hers, but I have other books lined up right now.
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Wild Cherry

Jodi Picoult
I couldn't finish The Pact.....too heavy for my nighttime reading!
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Cherry Jubilee

Jodi Picoult
Amy, it was one of those books I just had to know what happened in the end.
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Cherry Addict

Jodi Picoult
I've read a couple.....she's okay.  I found her stuff to be a little formuliac.
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Cherry Jubilee

Jodi Picoult
I like her - she deals with current topics well.Jenna
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Cherry Jubilee

Jodi Picoult
I'm listening to my first Jodi Picoult book - The Tenth Circle. So far I like it mostly although it does seems to be dragging a bit.
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Cherry Garcia

Jodi Picoult
I read Nineteen Minutes for young adult lit.  Can't wait to read more, but now I'm in children's lit so I have no time to read other things!
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Re: Jodi Picoult
 I'm just getting into her books.  I have Nineteen Minutes and Vanishing Acts on my night stand right now.  I just finished The Pact.  I'm loving her stuff.  She doesn't tie up her endings in a nice little bow and leave you all satisfied. 

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Cherry Delight

Re: Jodi Picoult
I just finished Nineteen Minutes and I just have to say Wow.  When I was checking it out the librarian informed me that it was on the banned books list and that this was banned books week, but I'm not sure I know what that means considering I was able to check it out.  I guess banned somewhere else?  Anyway, it was an excellent, if disturbing, book, and I was floored at the end.  I'm definitely interested in reading more of her work.
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Cherry Tart

Re: Jodi Picoult
 I am a HUGE Picoult fan!
I have read almost all of her books... reading the last one on my list now. :) Just waiting for her to come out with more!!!
I fly through them... we went on a cruise in June... and in 7 days I read 5 1/2 of her books! :)

I hate when I finish all the books by an author I love...
anyone know of a similar type author?!

I've read all of her books, all of Alice Hoffman's, Anita Shreves, hmm... trying to think...
I need some new recommendations! :)
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Jodi Picoult
 Don't know any other author like her, but I hope there is or else she continues to write forever!  I'm reading Close to the Heart now and really liking it.
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Cherry Tart

Re: Jodi Picoult
 I've read several of her books and keep telling myself that Im going to make a book list of just her books and work my way through all of them.  I really loved Mercy and My Sister's Keeper.
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