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Wild Cherry

Who likes to read non-fiction?
I hardly ever read fiction, in fact I think the only fiction I've read in the last several years is the Harry Potter series. I've re-read the Left Behind series, but no new fiction for me.I love to read about history and the Victorian Age/Gilded Age/Turn of The Century is my favorite era to read about. So much was going on in terms of industrial progress, immigration, architecture, the emergence of modern medicine.The people and places from this era just facsinate me, it was a difficult time to live (none of our conviences), but must have been thrilling with all that was going on.I'm hoping there is some history geek like myself out there that would like to discuss these types of books with me.
On a molecular level, I'm very busy.
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Cherry Jubilee

Who likes to read non-fiction?
Not me....I need the light fluffy reads as I tend to read before bed - or while dd is watching tv.Jenna
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Cherry Delight

Who likes to read non-fiction?
Sometimes, although I usually like it to revolve around a specific person/people, I like the human element.
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