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Cherry Bing

Has anyone had a problem shopping and checking out today?
So I placed an order tonight, put in my cc info and my order says confirmed - awaiting payment. So I tried to pay for my order again and same thing. I tried one more time just to make sure it wasn't me typing my info too fast (you know acot excitement rush but it wasn't, I double checked) and still same issue...

Has this ever happened to anyone? Who can I contact at ACOT for help!?!?! Please help me! If for some reason the payments do go through --- I hope I'm not charged 3 times :(
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Brandon Singer

Site Admin

Re: Has anyone had a problem shopping and checking out today?
Sorry about the problems. It is now fixed. You will need to apply the cc again. It didn't charge you at all the other times.
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Has anyone had a problem shopping and checking out today?
This is exactly what's happening to me right now! I placed an order yesterday without a problem. I know my credit card info is correct and there's nothing wrong with my card. I used it 20 minutes ago at Kroger and online. :(
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Brandon Singer

Site Admin

Re: Has anyone had a problem shopping and checking out today?
ss20ts wrote:This is exactly what's happening to me right now! I placed an order yesterday without a problem. I know my credit card info is correct and there's nothing wrong with my card. I used it 20 minutes ago at Kroger and online. :(

Yup, it started happening again. But it is fixed now. Sorry about the problems with it.
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