problems with chat - userids trapped in there
Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2007 10:28 pm
How does chat work?And how do you leave?I went in last night (Friday) for the first time. The Lounge was full with 50 people in it, so it wouldn't let me in. Nobody in classroom 1 or 2 would answer me. I even PM'ed somebody in the lounge and they never replied. So I just clicked on the big X button in the upper right hand corner and shut the chat window down.Tonight I went to get in and it told me that somebody was already in there with my username. So I just stuck an underscore in and typed in Ann_Ominous and it let me in. It showed that "AnnOminous" aka me from last night was still in there.Apparently when I shut the window down, it did not kick me out of there. I suspect that is why the place is full and nobody ever answers me. I wonder how many real live people are in chat and how many are just trapped userids. Any trapped userids are keeping other people from participating.I figure there must be someway to correctly exit the chat room and shutting the window down via the X button is not it.I do not see any Logout or exit button to click.I've tried typing in logout, exit, quit and bye with nothing happening.What am I suppose to do???!!!!