1) deleted the SNMP - Interface Statistics data query and recreated it (using Index Count Changed).
2) clicked the green circle
3) cleared the poller cache.
When I view the poller cache, I see the following which has the wrong ID:
Code: Select all
Data Source: Ares - Traffic - RTL8139 Family PC
RRD: c:\auntie\cacti\rra\ares_traffic_in_12.rrd
Action: 0, OID: . (Host: ares.zeus.xxx.com, Community: windows2003)
Code: Select all
Host: Ares, SNMP Query: SNMP - Interface Statistics
Index: 327683, Field Name: ifOperStatus, Field Value: 1
OID: .
Host: Ares, SNMP Query: SNMP - Interface Statistics
Index: 327683, Field Name: ifSpeed, Field Value: 100000000
OID: .
Host: Ares, SNMP Query: SNMP - Interface Statistics
Index: 327683, Field Name: ifDescr, Field Value: Realtek RTL8139 Family PCI Fast Ethernet NIC - Packet Scheduler Miniport
OID: .
Host: Ares, SNMP Query: SNMP - Interface Statistics
Index: 327683, Field Name: ifType, Field Value: 6
OID: .
Host: Ares, SNMP Query: SNMP - Interface Statistics
Index: 327683, Field Name: ifHwAddr, Field Value:
OID: .
Host: Ares, SNMP Query: SNMP - Interface Statistics
Index: 327683, Field Name: ifIndex, Field Value: 327683
OID: .