Strange Decimal figures where Integer expected

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Robin V.

Strange Decimal figures where Integer expected

Post by Robin V. »


Is it a bug, a feature, or am i only idiot ?
I've made several scripts to get data on remote hosts by ssh, and all seems to work, except one thing: Integer data sometimes become decimal.

I have a "count processus" data input, and when I watch the base and the graphs, i find values like "minimum: 5.15 ", "maximum: 15.90".

This is strange, because my values input are all integers like it is shown in the log and in the cron printout:
/home/rv/ exploit /var => 3660 931339
/home/rv/ exploit => 55350 380600 25605 51496 1803
/home/rv/ exploit httpd => 40

Could it be a problem with the time compensation of rrdtool (i have seen that rrdtool could adjust the values of counter with the time delay)...all this sources are "gauges".

Do you have an idea ?

Last, i encountered a weird bug with input that were wrong if the last parameter is directly followed by a carriage return:
123 412\n =>Bad value 412
123 412 \n => Ok

Is this problem frequently encountered ?

Thanks for helping,
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Post by raX »

Sounds like how rrdtool treats its numbers. To get exact numbers, go into the GPRINT graph items and select 'Exact Numbers' under 'GPRINT Options'. This should force rrdtool to output whole integers instead of strange decimal values.

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