Sendmail or MailScanner stats

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Sendmail or MailScanner stats

Post by mwestern »

Hi All,

I'm fairly new to cacti and after stuffing around with mrtg for a week, cacti is bliss. :)

I have MailScanner running on a linux box that calls SpamAssassin and fprot av, and am wondering if anyone has figured out a nice way to graph number of spam, viruses vs real messages. mailstats dumps sendmail stats our for the current day which is a start. i'm not really interested in the queue of sendmail as this is a relay server to our exchange network and doesn't have any queues to watch.

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SendMail MailQueue

Post by argon0 »

Would love to be able to monitor this, have just implemented ProofPoint - a sendmail based solution, and would like to be able to log amount of Spam stopped/Viri, etc... (I know that it can respond to SNMP requests...)


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Re: SendMail MailQueue

Post by Linzer »

argon0 wrote:Would love to be able to monitor this, have just implemented ProofPoint - a sendmail based solution, and would like to be able to log amount of Spam stopped/Viri, etc... (I know that it can respond to SNMP requests...)


You might be able to utilize Mailgraph for this.
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