How to align data correctly with the graph grid?

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How to align data correctly with the graph grid?

Post by ianc911 »

Hi folks,

I've been working on some graphs to display the total amount of data through an interface per day. I cobbled something together and created the graph for it. For some reason the RRD file didn't get created immediately, but when I looked again in the morning, I saw that it finally had at 4:40PM. The Graph is set to display a bar representing the total amount of data in 24 hours. The trouble is that with the weird start time, the bars don't align properly with the graph's grid:

Misaligned.png (47.33 KiB) Viewed 6502 times

Ideally, the data would be correctly aligned with the legend on the graph with each 24 hour increment starting at midnight. The best solution then would be to just abandon that first 7 hours and 20 min. of data, but not sure how to do that. I tried messing around with the 'Shift Data' setting in the graph items and specified "[SHIFT]:26400" for the value, but the graph blows up with an 'Error parsing number [SHIFT]' error. Any ideas on the best way to approach this? Thanks much for the help!
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