Can't graph Processes or Mounted Partitions

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Can't graph Processes or Mounted Partitions

Post by rafchumley »

Heya All,

I have an entire site of Gateway Servers (mostly 9xx series) running Windows 2003 and I am having the same issue on each of them: The queries for Processors and Mounted Partitions return zero items and zero rows. I know this all works on W2K3, I have a lot of other such servers (non-Gateway) including Dells and HP's on which the default XP/2000 host templates work great.

I thought it might be something with the way the OS was installed, i.e. using the Gateway Companion CD but that isn't it. I JUST now did one without the CD (i.e. using only the W2K3 CD and the LSI MegarAID driver off the LIS Gateway software at all) and it STILL won't give me anything except Processes, Logged in Users, and Interface Traffic.

I have installed the "Gateway Service Manager" on a test machine. This is Gateway's Server Management tool. I was hping it would give me something back but no dice.

I have searched through the forums quite a bit but no joy. ANY help would be greatly appreciated!

S! (Salute!)

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Post by TheWitness »

run the following and post the results to a file:

snmpwalk -v <your_version> -c <your_community> <hostname>

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I seem to be having the same behaviour?

Post by Quindor »

I seem to be having the same behaviour.

I can snmpwalk just fine, finds a whole bunch of stuff. Check the results.txt included.

What I see when I do a verbose query is for instance the command " 'c:\php\php-win.exe -q C:\websites\cacti\scripts\ss_host_cpu.php public 1 index' "

When I replace the php-win with php.exe and execute the command myself it gives me the result

I have a 2 HT cpu machine. So 4 cpu's is correct. The thing is though, that the verbose query DOES NOT get this back from some reason. See results below "
+ Running data query [9].
+ Found type = '6 '[script query].
+ Found data query XML file at 'C:\websites\cacti/resource/script_server/host_cpu.xml'
+ XML file parsed ok.
+ Executing script for list of indexes 'c:\php\php-win.exe -q C:\websites\cacti\scripts\ss_host_cpu.php public 1 index'
+ Executing script query 'c:\php\php-win.exe -q C:\websites\cacti\scripts\ss_host_cpu.php public 1 query index'
+ Found data query XML file at 'C:\websites\cacti/resource/script_server/host_cpu.xml'
+ Found data query XML file at 'C:\websites\cacti/resource/script_server/host_cpu.xml'
+ Found data query XML file at 'C:\websites\cacti/resource/script_server/host_cpu.xml'

Now this setup USED to work. I had Windows 2003 SP1 RC1 installed and was having "hanging machine" problems. So I deinstalled it, deinstalled IIS and then reinstalled IIS. The problems started after this. Since then I have reinstalled everything that has to do with cacti. Everything else is working just fine, also websites and ftp sites using IIS.

Any clue to what is going on? Everything seems to work just fine when I execute it myself, but when cacti does it, it does not find any results anymore except for NIC connections.... :o

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

the snmpwalk results
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The SNMPWALK showed me the issue... &

Post by rafchumley »

S! The Witness!

Your instruction showed me the issue...I had used an ampersand as the last character of the community string. The "snmpwalk" using this returned:

bash: no such command <hostname>

Which clued me in that it was taking the "&" to mean go to the next line...which was hosing the XML script in Cacti, I suppose. Needless to say, removal of the offending ampersand has cleared up all issues and now my entire server farm is returning the proper and expected data.

Thank You VERY much!

S! (Salute!)

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Post by Quindor »

I must be doing something else then, since my names of my servers are quite simple. And the snmp string is still public.

Any clue to what is happening? SNMPwalk functions just fine from what I can tell, just cacti doesn't see it anymore? .....

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Do what The Witness asks for...

Post by rafchumley »

S! Quindor!

I am not a guru by any means, so I suggest you do what The Witness asks for and post the results of an snmpwalk (in a file attachment I suppose, since it's probably fairly large) so he can review it. I think thats your best bet for getting good results from this forum.

S! (Salute!) and good Luck!

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Post by Quindor »

Look above and you shall see. :)
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okay, fixed it!

Post by Quindor »

Okay, fixed it!! :D

It turns out that my security permission on cmd.exe during the downgrade from SP1 RC1 to plain win2k3 got foekerd..... Replaced the security on it, reinstalled EVERYTHING, and not it's working like a charm again.

Sorry I took so long to find this. :oops:

Thnx's for the help anyways!


p.s. It's strange though, because your interface stats can be found, it says all queries are succesfull, etc. there are basically NO errors beying doesn't work either though.
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