I'd like to log data from my smart meters.
I can only reliably capture data that is a few hours old.
Is there a way I can capture 8 hour old data and set the timestamp correctly when adding it to the rrd file?
storing data from delayed source
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Re: storing data from delayed source
Just push the date in time order into the rrdfile. Use boost, it does not care about time.
Before history, there was a paradise, now dust.
Re: storing data from delayed source
I presume then I need to compensate for that when I come to display the data
oops I read date as data. I thought that but using the cati interface I can't see how to specify the date... I'll look a bit harder.
oops I read date as data. I thought that but using the cati interface I can't see how to specify the date... I'll look a bit harder.
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