Remote poller statistics

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Remote poller statistics

Post by KevinNoall »

I am working to figure out runtime statistics for remote pollers. I have been using the Cacti Polling Host template for a while on my main poller. I have 14 remote pollers that I want to gather stats for but I'm getting bizarre results.
I poll my remote pollers from the main poller. In this config, I actually get identical results as the main poller as the script is just doing a local query. When I have the remote poller go against itself I get a single value that never changes. After going through what the template/script is doing, I ran the query against the remote poller db and sure enough the value is static and does not change even though the runtime obviously does via the logs. In the remote cacti.log I do see values that make sense, they are just not recorded in the DB where the template looks for it.

Any help or insight would be appreciated as knowing these remote run times is pretty important for tuning and troubleshooting these remote sites.

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Re: Remote poller statistics

Post by bmfmancini »

Hey There

This is a known issue I reported some time ago the Cacti stats template was not designed for remote pollers


what I do to keep track of the remote poller timings for the mean time is just get the values from the poller table
I have been working to make a script to will graph the poller times as a work around so I can make atleast a threshold in case one of the polling times overruns
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