Looking for help on why dsstats causing 1 weathermap to take 200+ seconds to complete. This is causing overall poller to overshoot 5 minute poll intervals which causes multiple stalle poller processes.
The most time spent in debug logs is with maps containing daily peak values from map conf file to generate max daily values as below.
TARGET 8*dsstats:dailypeaktraffic_in:traffic_out
Debug log pauses 4 seconds for every link with TARGET dsstats
03/29/2017 12:02:20 PM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] DEBUG: [ReadData@Weathermap.class.php:918] [Map 199] PRNY-CoreMAX.conf: Will multiply result by 8
( 4 seconds pause per TARGET Here )
Log of complete time for 2 maps, 1 with current value and second with dsstats daily peak values
03/31/2017 03:05:51 PM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] Weathermap 0.97a starting - DEBUG mode is on
03/31/2017 03:09:27 PM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] STATS: Weathermap 0.97a run complete - Fri, 31 Mar 17 15:09:27 -0400: 2 maps were run in 216 seconds with 2 warnings.
Reference from my previous post to Weathermap - unresolved
Plugin Management Cacti Version: 0.8.7g, Plugin Architecture Version: 2.8
WeatherMap 0.97a
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.7 (Santiago)
Any info appreciated -thx
Dsstats taking too long to complete polling for all maps
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