Cacti Tree sort order incorrect after upgrade to 1.0.2

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Cacti Tree sort order incorrect after upgrade to 1.0.2

Post by rattrap17 »

After upgrading to the new version I notice that when I create a new tree it simply throws it at the top of the list rather than putting it in alphabetical order. The only way I can see to change the order is clicking the little up or down arrows to move it one spot at a time.

I see each tree itself has the option for alphabetical sorting of the sub items but I'm talking about the root level of the trees. I've searched for a while and simply can't find a way to make this happen. In the old version of Cacti this was the default behavior: whenever I created a new tree it would just get inserted in the list of existing trees at the correct (alphabetical) spot. Has anyone else noticed this behavior or know how to change it?
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Re: Cacti Tree sort order incorrect after upgrade to 1.0.2

Post by Osiris »

There is a sequence column. Upgrade to 1.1.1 too. There was a bug around this.
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Re: Cacti Tree sort order incorrect after upgrade to 1.0.2

Post by rattrap17 »

Updating my own post here as upgrading to the latest build (1.1.10) did not help. I started digging into the mysql db and found the table for trees and see that the sequence column for many of my frees is set to 0. This would explain the weird issues I'm having. It would appear whenever I re-order them they just keep getting pushed back down to 0. I successfully edited the entries so that everything is in order now however whenever I add a new tree it adds it with a sequence value of 1, even though there already is an entry with a value of 1. Does anyone know where the function to add new trees lives as it doesn't appear to be checking for existing trees and changing the sequence number accordingly.
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Re: Cacti Tree sort order incorrect after upgrade to 1.0.2

Post by bmorton »

I am having the same issue. I had it in 1.1.7 and 1.1.10. Im not a MYSQL expert so modifying the DB its self seem daunting to me.

Here are my system specs. Can we compare?
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Re: Cacti Tree sort order incorrect after upgrade to 1.0.2

Post by bmorton »

I wonder if this has something to do with it?
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