In my case I'm collecting Microsoft SQL Server Statistics. I needed to be able to pass the ODBCName for the script to connect via. The trick is to pass the |host_id|, and then query the cacti database for that value in the notes field.
XML script
Code: Select all
<name>MSSQL DB IO Metrics</name>
<description>Uses PHP to get DB IO Metrics</description>
<arg_prepend>|host_hostname| |host_id| cactiuser cactipassword</arg_prepend>
PHP Script Server snippet
Code: Select all
print call_user_func_array("php_mssql_dbIO", $_SERVER["argv"]);
/*Unfortunately, Cacti does not support passing a custom argument to the script server when using the DataQuery Input method. */
/*This is required in order to tell cacti which ODBC connection to connect to. In order to get around this we'll create custom xml
/* in the notes field, and then get it by passing the host_id and parsing the xml.*/
/*This script works by utilizing already defined ODBC connections to select data from a MSSQL Database */
/*Based on the parameters passed by cacti to this script, it executes functions. The Index and Query*/
/*functions can return its results using print, however get has to use "return" to return the actual result*/
function php_mssql_dbIO($odbcname, $host_id, $dbuser, $dbpass, $purpose, $queryfor = "", $indexid = "") {
//get the ODBCName by referencing the $host_id to Custom XML placed in the Notes field.
$NotesXML = db_fetch_cell("select notes from host where id='" . $host_id . "'");
$xml=simplexml_load_string($NotesXML) or die("Error: XML not configured in the notes field as expected");
if($purpose == "num_indexs"){
print num_indexs($odbcname, $dbuser, $dbpass);
}elseif($purpose == "index"){
$arr_index = index($odbcname, $dbuser, $dbpass);
for ($i=0;($i<sizeof($arr_index));$i++) {
print $arr_index[$i] . "\n";
}elseif($purpose == "query"){
$arr_index = query($odbcname, $dbuser, $dbpass, $queryfor, $indexid);
for ($i=0;($i<sizeof($arr_index));$i++) {
print $arr_index[$i] . "\n";
}elseif($purpose == "get"){
return get($odbcname, $dbuser, $dbpass, $queryfor, $indexid);
Code: Select all
<Details>This is the Production SQL Server</Details>
I hope this helps other people, as this was a major road block for me. Once I figured this trick out it is easy to write scripts as needed and should be able to be used in regular script queries the same way.