Data query for CMCIII_PDU : Index problem

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Data query for CMCIII_PDU : Index problem

Post by moxxbiales »

I'm experiencing a new issue with my network monitoring.
I'd like to graph my cmcIII PDU facilities.
For that, I have to create an XML file with the index and the OID's.
First, I've found the table (RITTAL-CMC-III-MIB::cmcIIIVarTable) as it appears in the attached file.
The first thing is that i don't find any index in the table.
I've found the MIB on the Internet ( ... IIVarTable) and found this index:
I use this Index in my XML file.
My query verbose works in Cacti. (cf attached)
But when I click on "create graph for...", i've got a list of value in the column "Index"...
Then, I try to add the table colums that i've choose (cmcIIIVarName and cmcIIIVarValueInt)
I had those 2 entries in the XML file but when turn on the verbose query, I don't see any change.
I guess there is a problem with the Index, table, etc but can't see where.
If someone have any clue, it's more than welcome !
query verbose
query verbose
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Re: Data query for CMCIII_PDU : Index problem

Post by moxxbiales »

Here is an update of my post.
A screenshot of the MIB table I've used.
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Re: Data query for CMCIII_PDU : Index problem

Post by BSOD2600 »

Looks like you didnt choose a correct index. Notice cacti stated there are 22K items? far too many for a normal device.
Try Actually, post an snmpwalk of Does it look like sane data?
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Re: Data query for CMCIII_PDU : Index problem

Post by moxxbiales »

Yeah, i guess that has something to do with a bad index.
I tried with the one you adviced me :
#snmpwalk -v 2c -c public DEVICE_IP
that returns me : "No Such Object available on this agent at this OID"
It works with but returns me thousand of informations.
(I've have some updates that I'll post as soon as I've sorted it out)
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Re: Data query for CMCIII_PDU : Index problem

Post by moxxbiales »

So this is my update.
I'd evolved my XML file (see the attachement)
But when I choose the output direction for the OID cmcIIIVarValueInt, (the one I guess I need to graph) it desapears from the column of the "create graph" page. (cf attachement)
I've to say I'm a bit confused with this.
I've created a graph template (CMCIII_PDUVarTable) with 2 data sources (VarValueInt and VarValueStr)
Does it mean that I'll have to make a graph for each plug ???
I've to graph 20 PDU with 8 plugs each and that won't be easy at all !
But one thing at a time ; first try to resolve my index problem !
XML file
XML file
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Create Graph
Create Graph
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Re: Data query for CMCIII_PDU : Index problem

Post by moxxbiales »

another update.
When i do a #snmpwalk -v 1 -c public -On DEVICE_IP RITTAL-CMC-III-MIB::cmcIIIVarTable|less#
I get this : (just an extract...)
#. = STRING: Temperature.DescName
. = STRING: Temperature.Value
. = STRING: Temperature.Offset
. = STRING: Temperature.SetPtHighAlarm
. = STRING: Temperature.SetPtHighWarning
. = STRING: Temperature.SetPtLowWarning
. = STRING: Temperature.SetPtLowAlarm
. = STRING: Temperature.Hysteresis
. = STRING: Temperature.Status
. = STRING: Temperature.Category
. = STRING: Access.DescName
. = STRING: Access.Value
. = STRING: Access.Sensitivity
. = STRING: Access.Delay
. = STRING: Access.Status
. = STRING: Access.Category
. = STRING: Input 1.DescName
. = STRING: Input 1.Value
. = STRING: Input 1.Logic
. = STRING: Input 1.Delay
. = STRING: Input 1.Status
. = STRING: Input 1.Category
. = STRING: Input 2.DescName
. = STRING: Input 2.Value
. = STRING: Input 2.Logic
. = STRING: Input 2.Delay
. = STRING: Input 2.Status
. = STRING: Input 2.Category
. = STRING: Output.DescName
. = STRING: Output.Relay
. = STRING: Output.Logic
. = STRING: Output.Status
. = STRING: Output.Category
This would mean that my index is . and not . right ?
But the MIB says that . is cmcIIIVarName and that the index is (cmcIIIVarEntry)
...I'm loosing it, really.
I promise my eternal gratitude to the one(s) will help me to sort it out !
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Re: Data query for CMCIII_PDU : Index problem

Post by BSOD2600 »

hmm doesnt look like this device implements snmp in a standard manor Cacti likes. Given the output above, I'd expect if you snmpwalked ., you would get the current temp value. This does not happen, correct?
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Re: Data query for CMCIII_PDU : Index problem

Post by moxxbiales »

When I snmpwalk ., I get the string "Temperature.Value".
So you think that my device can't be graphed into cacti ?
I'll try to get in touch with my Rittal dealer to get more information about this issue
Thanks again for your help anyway.
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Re: Data query for CMCIII_PDU : Index problem

Post by moxxbiales »

When I snmpwalk . , I get the temperature value "SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.2606. = INTEGER: 2860"
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Re: Data query for CMCIII_PDU : Index problem

Post by BSOD2600 »

ah-ha! nice. = cmcIIIVarValueInt Tree.

So now if you switch the index in the data query to ., you'll get a better list for Cacti. Although, you're going to need to be mindful how you build the data query for the 5 fields.
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Re: Data query for CMCIII_PDU : Index problem

Post by moxxbiales »

Thanks BSOD2600 for your precious help !
So i switched index to . and I get just one value in the "data query" filed on the "create graph" page. (cf attachement1)
When I try with the Index ., I get all the values I need. (cf attachement2)
I'll try to deal with it but my question is how I can graph those values if they are the Index !!!!????
Do I have to use this OID again ( . in my XML file with the output direction?
I'll try this today and let you know.
thanks again.
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Re: Data query for CMCIII_PDU : Index problem

Post by BSOD2600 »

When troubleshooting a new data query, its very helpful for discussion to post snmpwalks and Verbose Query outputs. Additionally, since you have the vendors MIB file, have snmpwalk load it so it'll parse the output correctly which will make understanding the output much easier (use the +m <mibname> option).

What do you have in the XML file currently?

Have you followed ... alkthrough at all?
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Re: Data query for CMCIII_PDU : Index problem

Post by moxxbiales »

Yes, i've followed this link to the Cacti manual to create my data query after an XML file.
These are the troubleshooting information : the snmpwalk, the XML and the verbose.
I was thinking about something in my morning shower !
I should try to use these OID . , . , etc. in my XML file with the output direction for the graphs values.
I'll try this today and see if it does any good.
thanks anyway, looking forward your smart advices !
; )
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XML file
XML file
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Verbose query
Verbose query
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Re: Data query for CMCIII_PDU : Index problem

Post by moxxbiales »

So I tried to use SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.2606., SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.2606. as OIDs to graph (cf attachment with my XML file)
I also put part of the verbose and the "create graph" page that doesn't show any good...
XML file
XML file
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verbose part2
verbose part2
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verbose part1
verbose part1
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create graph
create graph
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Re: Data query for CMCIII_PDU : Index problem

Post by moxxbiales »

Maybe I should try with a REGEX ?
I really don't what it is or how it works but i'll investigate.
I've seen that is used when the SNMP index doesn't exist...
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