Capo: frontend for multiple Cacti servers

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Capo: frontend for multiple Cacti servers

Post by jkossen »

Hi guys,

A largish customer of mine (think ~ 15 Cacti instances spread over multiple separated networks, ~ 250000 graphs, ~ 250 users) gave me the assignment to develop a user-friendly (heh) frontend to be able to query multiple Cacti installations, and be able to view a graph from e.g. Cacti1 (which lives in network A) next to one from Cacti15 (which lives separated in network X).

The end product has now been in production use for about two years, and the customer generously let me release the product under an Open Source license (GPLv3).

So, as any decent developer would, I just dumped the code on Github without documentation and with old screenshots (bootstrap2 while it's now based on bootstrap3)

You can find the code at

The project is by no means perfect (I’d love to redesign the API calls, the import scripts are a mess, unit tests need improvements, choices were made for this company specifically, ...) nor done and I could use some help.

Here's some information:

* Based on Symfony 2.3 (Doctrine, MySQL, Twig, ...)
* Frontend implemented in HTML5 / Twitter Bootstrap / jQuery, works in all decent browsers and IE8+
* Frontend talks to a JSON backend / API (PHP)
* It does not import RRD data nor graph images. When you request a graph, it functions as a proxy to the associated Cacti server
* It reads out the Cacti MySQL databases and absorbs data from that into its own database
* Supports users and groups, and access rights per Cacti server
* LDAP support for user auth (but can also be used without)
* WSSE support so other applications can use the JSON API as well
* Create graph selections so you can request the same selection another time
* Ability to export graphs and graph selections to PDF (think reports for clients)
* Support for weathermaps

It does not offer all possibilities Cacti does (no graph zooming (yet)), and that's not the intention.

If you're interested in helping out, have ideas, questions or suggestions, let me know. I realize this might only be of interest for large Cacti users, but i also know those do exist :-)


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