I'm having issues with a Template I have imported and I'm checking the Poller doesn't bring Data Source Information.
Graphs display:
ERROR: opening '/var/www/html/cacti/rra/device_ds_1.rrd': No such file or directory
Poller Log display everything is fine with others Template / Graphs which are bringing info for the same device, but the Traffic Template for this device is not being called from the Poller. I just have changed the cron to write on a file .log.
I have checked multiple Threads with this behavior, so I have checked:
Directory Permissions.
Polling Interval.
There is no way to bring the info into graphs, Pollers retrieve info from others DSs but not the one configured for the Traffic info (Template).
I can see Cacti forum is not being answered quickly. If you read and answer this message I will really appreciate it.
Cacti 0.8.8c - Poller doesn't poll Data Source
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