lm-sensors php script

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lm-sensors php script

Post by ppost »

Good day,

I need to write a .php script to get the temperature of "Core 0" from below console output:

Code: Select all

Server01> sensors                                 
Adapter: ISA adapter                                    
Core 0:       +40.0 C  (crit = +100.0 C)                
Adapter: ISA adapter                                    
Core 2:       +40.0 C  (crit = +100.0 C)                
Adapter: ISA adapter                                    
in0:          +2.88 V  (min =  +0.00 V, max =  +4.08 V) 
EDIT - I got the script sorted per below:

Code: Select all

$cmd= exec('sensors',$output);

foreach ($output as $line) 
	// need to find the temperature in:
	// Core 0:       +39.0 C  (crit = +100.0 C)
	if (preg_match('/Core\s+0:\s+\+(\d+).*/',$line,$match)) 
		print ("cpu_temperature:" . $match[1] . " ");

	// need to find the temperature in:
	// temp1:        +49.0 C  (low  =  -1.0 C, high = +127.0 C)  sensor = thermistor 
	if (preg_match('/temp1:\s+\+(\d+).*/',$line,$match)) 
		print ("case_temperature:" . $match[1] . " ");

BUT the graph does not show the right temperatures. I checked the script by running it in a console and the output conforms to the lm-sensors output. I checked each setting in the cacti template and all looks ok.

The results displayed in cacti are quite strange: from an actual core temperature of 39 degree C it displays values from 42 to 44. If the actual value is 40 cacti displays 43. This does not happen on any other graph in cact.

I have attached the script and template and would appreciate if someone could try it and help finding the mistake.

Thanks, brgds
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Re: lm-sensors php script

Post by ppost »

For the record - I found that the Atom processor involved seems to be quite temperature sensitive when it comes to load increases. That means, the Cacti poller itself is driving the temperatures up just when reading it out. So it works correctly.
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