SNMP to a Public IP Address

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SNMP to a Public IP Address

Post by fgrandoso »


Im new on the forum, i have spent the las 6 hours google and reading the forum unfortunatly i cant find any solution for my issue.

Here is the thing.

I have a CactiEZ Installed on a box, on a Xencenter Enviorement, im able to Monitor via SNMP all on my Inside Network how ever when i try to check a other device with a Public IP like a Router, or Firewall give me all the time SNMP Error

So here is what i did .

1. I test that the remote firewall or router is accesible and nothing in blocking from that side with this tool

The device Response OK.

Then i try to do a snmpwalk -v 1 -c COMMUNITY 165.98.XXX.XXX and only get a Timeout no response from 165.98.XXX.XXX

at this point i think it was the internal Firewall

So i did a brand new installation with a public ip address to the box, so its going to be from a public ip to a public ip, no firewalls in beetween.

Surprise ... still the same problem.

So back again to the original box, and im still fighting with that.

I try to disable the iptables and nothing, still the same problem.

So looks like im doing something wrong but i dont have any clue where to go .

Could you guys please give me a hand on this issue ?

Thanks !
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