Windows 2003

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Windows 2003

Post by gpl135 »

We plan to migrate windows 2000 to windows 2003.

Is CACTI running on windows 2003?

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Post by BSOD2600 »

I'm running cacti just fine on Win2k3 advanced server

windows 2003

Post by Guest »

BSOD2600, which are the version of the software that are installed on your server win2k3:


Thank you!

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Post by BSOD2600 »

CACTI: 0.8.6b

PHP: PHP 4.3.9 (cgi-fcgi) (built: Sep 21 2004 14:04:26)
Copyright (c) 1997-2004 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v1.3.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2004 Zend Technologies
with Zend Extension Manager v1.0.4, Copyright (c) 2003-2004, by Zend Technologies with Zend Optimizer v2.5.5, Copyright (c) 1998-2004, by Zend Technologies

RRDTOOL: RRDtool 1.0.48

MySQL: 4.0.21-nt
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Post by AlanTang »

I have try to insatll PHP 4.3.9 and 5.0.2 on Win2K3 Std Server with IIS6 but not work! :cry:

Does any step that I have missing?

1.) Extract the PHP zip package to D:\Apps\PHP
2.) For PHP 4 move the D:\Apps\PHP\DLLS\*.* files to D:\Apps\PHP
3.) Add the D:\Apps\PHP to environment path
4.) Add MIBS=ALL, MIBSDIR=D:\Apps\PHP\mibs (for PHP4) MIBSDIR=D:\Apps\PHP\extras\mibs (For PHP5)
5.) Rename the to php.ini
PHP 4 add the following lines.
extension_dir = D:\Apps\PHP\extensions
PHP 5 add the following lines.
extension_dir = D:\Apps\PHP\ext

After I have add the ISAPI Filters. The normal web page"default.htm" also can't work!

Any Suggestion?

Thanks a lot!

Server 2003

Post by Willie »


I have jsut finished updating my server from 2000 to 2003. Here is a BIg difference between the 2. On Server 2000, I kept my php.ini file in my d:\php directory and it picked it up without a problem. I get my new box in with Server 2003 installed, copy my files back and Cacti will not run. I keep getting errors that look like the permissions problems with mySQL. I run the helloworld.php test and it runs without any problems so I know that php is running. But then I do a php file that one has this in it:
<?php phpinfo(); ?>

I find out that it is trying to read the ini file from c:\windows. I do a little research and find that it a add a key to the registry inder local_machine I can force it to d:\php. That fixed the problem and cacti is running again.
key under local_machine\software
string value under php

I hope this helps someone else who might be running into upgrade problems.



Server 2003

Post by Willie »


I have jsut finished updating my server from 2000 to 2003. Here is a BIg difference between the 2. On Server 2000, I kept my php.ini file in my d:\php directory and it picked it up without a problem. I get my new box in with Server 2003 installed, copy my files back and Cacti will not run. I keep getting errors that look like the permissions problems with mySQL. I run the helloworld.php test and it runs without any problems so I know that php is running. But then I do a php file that one has this in it:
<?php phpinfo(); ?>

I find out that it is trying to read the ini file from c:\windows. I do a little research and find that it a add a key to the registry inder local_machine I can force it to d:\php. That fixed the problem and cacti is running again.
key under local_machine\software
string value under php

I hope this helps someone else who might be running into upgrade problems.


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