Threshold values not triggering warnings

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Threshold values not triggering warnings

Post by natzuurjk »

Hello, I like many others seem to be having issues getting the values figured out.

It seems no matter how I convert the settings or change them I can't get a warning or alert to trigger. I have tried almost all data types, and can't seem to make sense of it one way or another. My graph is obviously in bytes, but what would that be for exact data, and I have attached the graph type, the actual graph outputs, and what I have the values set to now (just random at this point based off of the last pulled data from the rrd).

If I understand right in my case it's converting the graphs Megabytes to Bytes? and if so what type of value does exact data or cdef or any of them use. Is it the last byte value from the rrd directly, or does some converison need to happen?

I'm on CentOS 6.5
rrdtool 1.3.8
Cacti Version 0.8.8b
Thold.PNG (6.77 KiB) Viewed 1021 times
datate54.PNG (2 KiB) Viewed 1021 times
Te54Graph.PNG (28.35 KiB) Viewed 1021 times
interface.PNG (1.59 KiB) Viewed 1021 times
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