A Bug in a DS input field display

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A Bug in a DS input field display

Post by integr8er »

In some situations, I have a DS where I pass several arguments to some script and I have to enclose the contents of an argument in double quotes (because they become multiple arguments to some other script dowstream) and when they are displayed in cacti, they are invisible. I can show the cron commands and they appear correctly. It's only when I go to edit data for an existing DS that the quoted string does not show up. I am executing a command like the following:

query_netsaint a_hostname "proc_stats_p ora_\S+_XXXX"

Where a_hostname is the host that the query_netsaint command will query.

Where the proc_stats_p is a function name to do a perl pattern match on the commandline output of a ps -ef -o time,vsz,args command.

Where ora_\S+_XXXX is a perl pattern to match and the XXXX is the name of a specific oracle instance I want information on.

Thus, the quoted string is itself a command and argument for the remote netsaint_statd daemon. This is why the quotes are needed.

So the problem is cosmetic in the sense that if you go back to edit the ds input field information, I see the hostname, while the argument field appears empty. So it's a functional bug in the sense that I cannot edit the field - I have to simply re-enter it and check its accuracy via the show cron command display. This problem exists identically in the most recent two releases.
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Post by raX »

Hmm quoting problems... I guess an 'addslashes' in php would help an error like that. Also, using single quotes in the MySQL INSERT string would help the situation some. Next time I take a look at this piece of code, I'll see what I can do about fixing the problem.

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