Graph Export, SFTP option not working, CactiEZ v0.7

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Graph Export, SFTP option not working, CactiEZ v0.7

Post by cinico »

Hi there, I'm having some trouble using the graph export features.

As stated in the subject, I'm using CactiEZ v0.7 (Cacti v0.8.8a) which is running in a VM. I am trying to export graphs to a FreeBSD 9 server which is running bsdftpd-ssl as an FTPS daemon. I have tested this config and can successfully connect and transfer a file to this server from the CactiEZ server with a custom test PHP script.

It took me a long time to get to this stage of functionality as I had to first overcome the mislabeled drop-down option (it's really using FTPS which FTP over SSL on port 21, not SFTP which is FTP over SSH on port 22). Then I had to get my *nix admin to install an FTPS compatible daemon. And finally I had to tune the daemon to use only TLS rather than SSL.

Here is my current Graph Export config:
2014-01-05 11_18_36-Console -_ Cacti Settings - Pale Moon.png
2014-01-05 11_18_36-Console -_ Cacti Settings - Pale Moon.png (46.89 KiB) Viewed 636 times
This successfully exports the graphs (1800+ of them in under 60 seconds) to the local /graphexports folder on the Cacti server. It also creates the cacti-ftp-temp during the export operation but never places any files there. Then it deletes the temp folder until the next go.

I have turned on debug logging and noticed a couple things:

1. When I have "sanitize remote directory" enabled the whole process stops there with an error but it does sanitize the directory if it is populated.

2. If "sanitize remote directory" is disabled it pretends like it has copied the exports to the remote directory and completes without errors. I believe this is because the scratch directory contains no files so it just connects and disconnects.

I suppose my question at this point is, why are the exported graphs not being copied to the scratch folder under tmp? Is this a known bug? All references to this I can find are a bit old and contain no answers.


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