Confused about Restoration Emails

Support questions about the Threshold plugin

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Confused about Restoration Emails

Post by kevinbranch »

I am using Cacti 0.8.8a with Thold 0.5 and Settings 0.71.

I am confused as to why on multiple Cacti installs, I keep getting restoration emails that have no corresponding warning or alert emails.
I'm using a high/low threshold with a 30 minute breach duration. If a threshold is breached for a full 30 minutes, I will get an alert email and once it clears up I will get a restoration email. However, I get many restoration emails in between times. I was interpreting the idea of restoration email to mean something that would only be sent after a warning or alert condition was fully met (threshold exceeded for the specified breach duration). What I suspect is happening is that every time my threshold is exceeded for even just one polling cycle, that when it then returns to normal a restoration email is sent even though it was never a warning or alert situation in the first place. I find it confusing to get emails saying "everything is better now" when I never got a "there is a problem" email in the first place. Is this the intended behavior or am I understanding/approaching this all wrong? Please clarify.

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Re: Confused about Restoration Emails

Post by Tolaris »

Hi Kevin,

I have the same behaviour, also on multiple installs. It seems that the alert email respects the "Min Trigger Duration" setting, but the restoration email doesn't. I'm not aware of a fix. I sure would like one, however.

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Re: Confused about Restoration Emails

Post by kevinbranch »

Well at least I'm not the only one bothered by this. The way I cope with this presently is to just disable restoration emails entirely and keep my "Re-Alert Cycle" low enough that the absence of repeated alerts is my indicator that the problem condition has cleared up. Not ideal, but workable.

Cigamit, would you please weigh in on what the intended behavior is for Thold restoration emails?

Kevin Branch
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