Graphs five hours behind

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Graphs five hours behind

Post by igb »

I'm running 0.8.7i using cmd.php every 5 minutes. I started routing traffic over a new link and watched Cacti to verify. Cacti continued drawing the same data rate (one hundred or so bps) for another five or so hours after I routed traffic over it, I verified with SNMP as well as interface statistics that there was real traffic running across it (several Mbps). Finally, about five hours later, the graph started showing that data.

I've looked at some of my other graphs and it looks like they're all doing that. Is there something I should be doing to get them graphing more punctually? Thanks in advance.
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Joined: Sat Jul 06, 2013 12:07 pm

Re: Graphs five hours behind

Post by igb »


I heard that the timezone in my php.ini file may be off, which it was. I corrected that issue and restarted httpd but still no improvement.
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