(resolved)autom8 graph rule filtering issue

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(resolved)autom8 graph rule filtering issue

Post by _raindrop18 »

I have try to use autom8 for first time and I have difficulties on filter section.
my setup looks like this
Item#1 1 ifOperStatus matches Up
Item#2 2 AND ifType matches ethernetCsmacd
Item#3 3 AND ifHwAddr is not empty
Item#4 4 AND ifAlias matches regular expression (.*)r(.*)-1(.*)
Item#5 5 AND ifAlias matches regular expression (.*)vm(.*)
my issue is on the last one (item#5) when I change (AND) to (OR) it's working but all the above rule override (ex. down ports also included) . my question is why (AND) is not working? is there any limitation how many times use (AND)? or did I miss any thing else? I have a long list of Alias to match for and not sure how accomplish that.

Last edited by _raindrop18 on Thu Jun 27, 2013 12:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: autom8 graph rule filtering issue

Post by _raindrop18 »

I have used pipe (|) and resolved.
Item#4 4 AND ifAlias matches regular expression (.*)r(.*)-1(.*) | (.*)vm(.*)
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