Graph Template-interface host description for multiple hosts

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Graph Template-interface host description for multiple hosts

Post by pacoscorcho »

I have a Graph Template that is designed to use interfaces from multiple hosts - typically just two. When I create a new graph using this template, it has an option to select a host. Since I'm using multiple hosts, I leave it at 'None'. I can't seem to figure how to get a good interface description in the 'Text Format' graph item template involving the 'host description' since I can't actually select a desired single host. This is easier when I do an Aggregate Graph (plugin) - I can just put it in the Prefix field and it resolves it within the script.

Is there a way to query the selected interface's host from the graph template without selecting a host? Or is there another way around this problem?

Thanks for any suggestions and let me know if more details are needed.
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Re: Graph Template-interface host description for multiple h

Post by gandalf »

I don't know a solution without coding.
When coding is fine for you, you should go for a new plugin
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