Hi guys!
I need much help, am trying to configure syslog there 2 months, but without success.
I have installed cacti 0.8.7g in the windows server 2003, monitoring and graphs are ok, more the syslog plugin not work.
I doesn't want to use kiwi syslog, i want all in one with the cactis for monitoring my routers and switches.
01/26/2013 08:55:13 PM - SYSTEM SYSLOG STATS:Time:0.08 Deletes:0 Incoming:0 Removes:0 XFers:0 Alerts:1 Alarms:0 Reports:0
Bruno Alves
Syslog not work
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Re: Syslog not work
Someone know a configuration of syslog with cacti installed in windows 2003?
Here not works!
Bruno Alves
Here not works!
Bruno Alves
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