following situation, in my graphs i'm drawing an area and with the same data value of the area a line1.
So that the line1 is some kind of upper border for the area.
As allready mentioned area and line get the same data value, but in the graph there is an offset between those two, as you can see in the attachment.
Graph debug says the following:
Code: Select all
DEF:a="/var/www/cacti/rra/heizungssteuerung_snmp_oid_16.rrd":'snmp_oid_temp':LAST \
AREA:a#f6bbbaFF:"Speicher Oben\l" \
LINE1:a#808080FF:"" \
Before i started to use cacti i did the same thing with standalone rrdtool and it worked fine.
Any ideas?
Thanks for your help.