Cisco Aironet wireless access point graph

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Cisco Aironet wireless access point graph

Post by Phobos182 »


Thanks to the devs for this amazing utility. Thought I would contribute a graph that I use to monitor our wireless network.

It graphs client associations to the access point to tell exactly how many users are logged in. Great for planning / monitoring. This should work with the 350, 1100, and 1200 series access points.

If you have any questions, or feedback. Please let me know. At least I can contribute something.

If you are getting an unknown result with this graph, or something like
Gauge: 4294967293
You will need to update your firmware. The newest release will not have this problem in my experiences.

If you are getting other values for a result, please check the MIB table. The OID you looking for is actually in a table of Active Devices, and the OID I supplied may not work. To find the correct OID, wakl the base MIB, and look for the value in question. Example.

snmpwalk -v 1 -c <community> <ip address of device> .
The output may look something like this.

SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises. = Gauge32: 5
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises. = Gauge32: 0
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises. = Gauge32: 0

So the correct OID for the graph would be
Go into Data Templates in the console, and look up Aironet Associations. Change the OID to this value, and the graph will work.

If you are looking for the Client Table RSSI value for your clients, walk
That will give you your signal strength values. I will create a graph for this soon.
wireless.png (29.34 KiB) Viewed 78484 times
(9.59 KiB) Downloaded 9750 times
Last edited by Phobos182 on Wed Dec 07, 2005 12:38 pm, edited 12 times in total.
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Re: Cisco Aironet 1200 wireless access point graph

Post by guerra6880 »

Thanks for the template! I do have one question for you, which MIB set are you using as I can not currently find this OID and the results that I am getting are completely whacky! As I don't believe that I currently have 4.92 G of associations. :o

Any assitance would be greatly appreciated.


Post by Guest »

I just modified the graph to be more 'clean'. You can redownload it above. You can find all the OID's here.

Cisco MIB Translation tool ... mibs.shtml

Here is the details.

Object cDot11ActiveWirelessClients
Type Gauge32
Permission read-only
Status current
Range 0 - 2007

Some kind of mistake

Post by jkamilo »

:-? This template is very usefull, but it graphs something like 4.29 G users!! i think it is a mistake!! Help me PLease! I am very interested in the graphics of my aironet 1200 access points.

Some kind of mistake

Post by jkamilo »

:-? This template is very usefull, but it graphs something like 4.29 G users!! i think it is a mistake!! Help me PLease! I am very interested in the graphics of my aironet 1200 access points.
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Post by Phobos182 »

Here is the problem. Taken from Cisco's site. There are some problems with certain implimentations of the 1200 access point which causes this bug. To fix it, you must upgrade your IOS to be 12.2(15)JA: or greater. I am currently running 12.2(13)JA1 and it works fine.

After looking that the Software Center. Current IOS version with the fix is 12.2.15-JA . This is the currently recommended release. Here are the currently recommended releases.

2004-09. Release 12.2.15-XR2
2004-04. Release 12.2.15-JA.
2004-04. Release 12.2.11-JA3
2004-04. Release 12.2.13-JA4 ... 146cf.html
These caveats are resolved in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(15)JA:

•CSCec89492—Access points now return the correct number of associated clients when you poll the CDot11ActiveWirelessClients MIB object.

Here is the link to the Software Center for Wireless LAN's. You must have a valid CCO Account to login and download the image.
Last edited by Phobos182 on Wed Sep 22, 2004 10:59 am, edited 3 times in total.

Post by Guest »

This are my versions:
System Software Filename: c1200-k9w7-mx.122-13.JA3
System Software Version: 12.2(13)JA3
Bootloader Version: 12.2(8)JA


Post by jkamilo »

I am going to update my IOS... lets wait and see if it works!!
I really appreciate this Help!
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Post by Phobos182 »

Everything go well jkamilo? I'm going to update this graph tomorrow to be a little more clear on the data sources. I ran into an issue where I did not use the host description in the DS, and it was hard to debug multiple RRD files all named the same thing.

Looking for the IOS!

Post by jkamilo »

Hi Phobos!
Currently I`m looking for the right IOS for the 1200 Aironet!.
Be sure that when i get it i will use the templates that you made.
I really appreciate it! Thanks!
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Post by cpdans »


I found your templates and tried to apply them. I am running it on both a BR350 as well as an AP1200. Both are running 12.04 firmware, however, both are running VxWorks instead of the IOS. I am getting an error saying that the OID doesn't exist. I tried manually walking the tree with the OID in your templates and I get the same thing. Has this changed by chance?

Thanks in advance,


waverider and wi-lan

Post by ghost »

is aany tracking waverrider and wi-lan devices? im looking on how to graph them.
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Re: waverider and wi-lan

Post by madeinoz »

ghost wrote:is aany tracking waverrider and wi-lan devices? im looking on how to graph them.
Just started playing around with the ncl1170 waverider yesterday. I'm trying to graph rssi and packet loss on a 27K link Still playing though. I've found the mibs but doesn't want to play ball yet. will updateyou when I make some progress
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Accessing RSSI on the Cisco Aironet 1200

Post by mrzappit »

I am trying to access the RSSI values for the aironet 1200 access points. Can anyone tell me what mib i need to use--and if possible the command? I have looked on the cisco website and was unable to find anything useful.

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WiFi Total Users

Post by Hoffswell »

Hello -

I thought I would share with you a script I wrote that sums the total users on a bunch of access points. This is a nice report.

This is a perl shell script that would be called by a Data Input Method with a type script/command of perl <path_cacti>/scripts/

It returns an output field of total_users

You also need to create a wifinodes text file of all the ip addresses of your APs.

Hope this works for you. Watch your permissions, and good luck getting the data input, source and graphs up!

Code: Select all

# file:
# reads a list of IPs from <arg0>
# polls each Cisco Aironet 1200 for number of associated clients.
# Prints out total users for all nodes.
# 2/2/05
use Net::SNMP;
  # Option - Static code to the file

open(DF, "<$fin");
   my($line) = $_;
   # Input file is format ip.address|hostname, or simply ip.address

   ($session,$error) = Net::SNMP->session(Hostname => $ip,
                                          Community => $snmpcom);
   die "session error: $error" unless ($session);
   $result = $session->get_request("");
   die "request error: ".$session->error unless (defined $result);
   # Debug: Uncomment these lines to have script print suers per node as well.
   #print $ip.": ";
   #print $result->{""};
   #print "\n";
   $total_users = $total_users + $result->{""};
print "total_users:";
print $total_users;
#print "\n";
- Pete
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