A few days ago I tried to install/configure npc for Cacti.
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cacti version 0.8.8a downloaded from the main site
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CentOS 6.3
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Nagios 3.4 installed from epel repositore using yum
I get npc from https://api.opensuse.org/public/source/ ... a54fcef892
My cacti installation was completed without problems. ALL CLEAN.
I downloaded, untar, move to plugins folder and define permission cacti:apache for npc plugin.
I can see NPC plugin tag on the top.
I can see my nagios hosts and services but when I try to configure ndo2utils I don't know how to complete because several howtos say it in a different way.
In my case the default nagios installation folder is /etc/nagios.
I will appreciate your help and advice.