Cacti Exchange SMTP Stat shows -nan

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Cacti Exchange SMTP Stat shows -nan

Post by rgraves22 »

When trying to run a command that calls a perl script to monitor Exchange SMTP stats, for Exchange 2010.


Script was written for 2007.. I modified it to call the correct counters for exchange 2010, yet no data is being graphed.

When I run the script manually, it returns results

Code: Select all

[root@logger scripts]# /usr/bin/perl /usr/share/cacti/scripts/ -H HUB1 -c smtp_stat
MessagesSent:15 RecipientsSent:16 ConnectionsTotal:13 AvgBytesPerMsg:0
SNMP Timeout is set for 2000 (2 seconds)

Here is the Cacti Log

Code: Select all

10/24/2012 12:05:39 AM - SYSTEM STATS: Time:37.6646 Method:spine Processes:1 Threads:10 Hosts:22 HostsPerProcess:22 DataSources:424 RRDsProcessed:337
10/24/2012 12:05:31 AM - SPINE: Poller[0] Host[32] ERROR: Empty result [HUB1]: '/usr/bin/perl /usr/share/cacti/scripts/ -H HUB1 -c smtp_stat'
10/24/2012 12:05:31 AM - SPINE: Poller[0] Host[31] ERROR: Empty result [HUB2]: '/usr/bin/perl /usr/share/cacti/scripts/ -H HUB2 -c smtp_stat' 
Running out of ideas...
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Re: Cacti Exchange SMTP Stat shows -nan

Post by cigamit »

1. Double check all permissions on the script to ensure the cron job user can execute it (you ran it as root, not sure if your cron runs as root though).
2. I see that when you first ran it, you were in the scripts directory. Just as a precaution (since I haven't seen the script code). Verify that it can be ran if you aren't in the scripts folder to verify there are no local include issues.
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Re: Cacti Exchange SMTP Stat shows -nan

Post by rgraves22 »

Im using spine to do the polling..

[root@logger /]# /usr/bin/perl /usr/share/cacti/scripts/ -H HUB2 -c smtp_stat
MessagesSent:2 RecipientsSent:2 ConnectionsTotal:2 AvgBytesPerMsg:0
[root@logger /]#

ran it from / and can still run it... /usr/share/cacti/scripts/ is 777 so technically anybody should be able to run the program.

I can return results when I manually run it, but when cacti kicks it, nadda...

the log says it received empty results. Even bumped my SNMP timeout to 10 seconds. Still no dice. I AM running it against a 2010 HUB Transport server if that helps.

I had a similar problem with the RPC Stats, but had to manually change the name on the counter.. i did the same thing for smtp. Don't see errors on the NSClient++ Log either.

Code: Select all

# Script to be used with the cacti template for fetching Conter information from the Microsoft Exchange server 2007 2010
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# you should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program (or with Nagios);  if not, write to the
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
# Changes and Modifications
# =========================
# Sept 07, 2012: Patrick Zambelli <>
# Version 1.0 - Support for Exchane 2007 - 2010

#use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use Data::Dumper;

my $CheckNTPath='/usr/local/nagios/libexec/';

sub check_options {
    Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling");
        'h'     => \$o_help,            'help'          => \$o_help,
        'H:s'   => \$o_host,            'hostname:s'    => \$o_host,
        'c:s'   => \$o_command,         'command:s'        => \$o_command
    if (defined($o_help) ) { help(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}; }
    if (! defined($o_host) ) { help(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}; }
    if (!defined($o_command)) { help(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}; }
sub help {
        print "Usage: exchange07 -H <host to query> -c <command to call: 'iis'|'delivery_stat'>\n";

########## MAIN #######

#User login sessions
if ($o_command eq 'connections'){
   # Replace '/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_nt' with the localtion where your check_nt binary is located

   $UserCount        = `$CheckNTPath/check_nt -H $o_host -p 12489 -v COUNTER -l "\\\MSExchange RpcClientAccess\\\\User Count"`;
   chomp $UserCount;
   $ActiveUserCount    = `$CheckNTPath/check_nt -H $o_host -p 12489 -v COUNTER -l "\\\MSExchange RpcClientAccess\\\Active User Count"`;
   chomp $ActiveUserCount;
   $ActiveConn     = `$CheckNTPath/check_nt -H $o_host -p 12489 -v COUNTER -l "\\\MSExchange RpcClientAccess\\\Connection Count"`;
   chomp $ActiveConn;

   print "UserCount:$UserCount ActiveUserCount:$ActiveUserCount ActiveConn:$ActiveConn\n";

# Mail delivery statistics
} elsif ($o_command eq 'delivery_stat'){

   $file_delstat = "/tmp/exch07_delstat_".$o_host.".txt";
   %results = (
      MessagesSubmittedPermin => '',
      MessagesSentPermin => '',
      MessagesDeliveredPermin => '', ); 

   #Open file for reading
   if (open FILE, "<", $file_delstat){
      my @lines = <FILE>;
      close (FILE);
      scanForContent(\@lines, \%results);
   } else {
      exit 0;

   $MessagesSubmittedPermin       = `$CheckNTPath/check_nt -H $o_host -p 12489 -v COUNTER -l "\MSExchangeTransport Queues(_Total)\\\Messages Submitted Per Second"`;
   chomp $MessagesSubmittedPermin;
   $MessagesSentPermin       = `$CheckNTPath/check_nt -H $o_host -p 12489 -v COUNTER -l "\\MSExchangeTransport Queues(_Total)\\\Messages Completed Delivery Per Second"`;
   chomp $MessagesSentPermin;
   $MessagesDeliveredPermin      = `$CheckNTPath/check_nt -H $o_host -p 12489 -v COUNTER -l "\\MSExchangeTransport SmtpSend(_total)\\\Messages Sent/sec"`;
   chomp $MessagesDeliveredPermin;
   chomp $SendQueueSize;
   $ReceiveQueueSize        = `$CheckNTPath/check_nt -H $o_host -p 12489 -v COUNTER -l "MSExchangeIS Mailbox(_Total)\\\Receive Queue Size"`;
   chomp $ReceiveQueueSize;

   %results->{ 'MessagesSubmittedPermin' } = $MessagesSubmittedPermin - %results->{ 'MessagesSubmittedPermin' };
   %results->{ 'MessagesSentPermin' } = $MessagesSentPermin - %results->{ 'MessagesSentPermin' };
   %results->{ 'MessagesDeliveredPermin' } = $MessagesDeliveredPermin - %results->{ 'MessagesDeliveredPermin' };

   #Open file for storing new values
   writeToFile($file_delstat, "MessagesSubmittedPermin:".$MessagesSubmittedPermin."\nMessagesSentPermin:".$MessagesSentPermin."\nMessagesDeliveredPermin:".$MessagesDeliveredPermin."\nSendQueueSize:".$SendQueueSize."\nReceiveQueueSize:".$ReceiveQueueSize."");

print  "MessagesSubmittedPermin:". %results->{ 'MessagesSubmittedPermin' }." MessagesSentPermin:". %results->{ 'MessagesSentPermin' }." MessagesDeliveredPermin:". %results->{ 'MessagesDeliveredPermin' }." SendQueueSize:".$SendQueueSize." ReceiveQueueSize:".$ReceiveQueueSize."\n";

} elsif ($o_command eq 'smtp_stat'){

   $file_delstat = "/tmp/exch07_smtpstat_".$o_host.".txt";
   %results = (
      MessagesSent => '',
      RecipientsSent => '',
      ConnectionsTotal => '', );

   #Open file for reading
   if (open FILE, "<", $file_delstat){

      my @lines = <FILE>;
      close (FILE);
      scanForContent(\@lines, \%results);
   } else {
      exit 0;

   $MessagesSent       = `$CheckNTPath/check_nt -H $o_host -p 12489 -v COUNTER -l "\\MSExchangeTransport SmtpSend(_Total)\\\Messages Sent Total"`;
   chomp $MessagesSent;
   $RecipientsSent       = `$CheckNTPath/check_nt -H $o_host -p 12489 -v COUNTER -l "\\MSExchangeTransport SmtpSend(_Total)\\\Recipients sent"`;
   chomp $RecipientsSent;
   $ConnectionsTotal       = `$CheckNTPath/check_nt -H $o_host -p 12489 -v COUNTER -l "\\MSExchangeTransport SmtpSend(_Total)\\\Connections Total"`;
   chomp $ConnectionsTotal;
   $AvgBytesPerMsg       = `$CheckNTPath/check_nt -H $o_host -p 12489 -v COUNTER -l "\\MSExchangeTransport SmtpSend(_Total)\\\Average message bytes/message"`;
   chomp $AvgBytesPerMsg;

   if (%results->{ 'MessagesSent' } > 0 ) { %results->{ 'MessagesSent' } = $MessagesSent - %results->{ 'MessagesSent' }; }
   if (%results->{ 'RecipientsSent' } > 0 ) { %results->{ 'RecipientsSent' } = $RecipientsSent - %results->{ 'RecipientsSent' };}
   if (%results->{ 'ConnectionsTotal' } > 0 ) { %results->{ 'ConnectionsTotal' } = $ConnectionsTotal - %results->{ 'ConnectionsTotal' };}

   #Open file for storing new values
   writeToFile($file_delstat, "MessagesSent:".$MessagesSent."\nRecipientsSent:".$RecipientsSent."\nConnectionsTotal:".$ConnectionsTotal."");

   print  "MessagesSent:". %results->{ 'MessagesSent' }." RecipientsSent:". %results->{ 'RecipientsSent' }." ConnectionsTotal:". %results->{ 'ConnectionsTotal' }." AvgBytesPerMsg:".$AvgBytesPerMsg."\n";

#RPC statistics
} elsif ($o_command eq 'rpc_stat'){

   $is_rpc_packets        = `$CheckNTPath/check_nt -H $o_host -p 12489 -v COUNTER -l "\\\MSExchange RpcClientAccess\\\\RPC Packets/sec"`;
   chomp $is_rpc_packets;
   $is_rpc_ave_latency     = `$CheckNTPath/check_nt -H $o_host -p 12489 -v COUNTER -l "\\\MSExchange RpcClientAccess\\\Averaged Latency"`;
   chomp $is_rpc_ave_latency;
   $is_rpc_operations     = `$CheckNTPath/check_nt -H $o_host -p 12489 -v COUNTER -l "\\\MSExchange RpcClientAccess\\\RPC Operations/sec"`;
   chomp $is_rpc_operations;

   print "is_rpc_packets:$is_rpc_packets is_rpc_ave_latency:$is_rpc_ave_latency is_rpc_operations:$is_rpc_operations\n";

#SPAM: confidence level 
} elsif ($o_command eq 'spam_confidLvl'){

# Replace '$CheckNTPath/check_nt' with the localtion where your check_nt binary is located 

$scl0       = `$CheckNTPath/check_nt -H $o_host -p $NsclientPort -v COUNTER -l "\\\MSExchange Content Filter Agent(_Total)\\\Messages with SCL 0"`;
chomp $scl0;
$scl1       = `$CheckNTPath/check_nt -H $o_host -p $NsclientPort -v COUNTER -l "\\\MSExchange Content Filter Agent(_Total)\\\Messages with SCL 1"`; 
chomp $scl1;
$scl2       = `$CheckNTPath/check_nt -H $o_host -p $NsclientPort -v COUNTER -l "\\\MSExchange Content Filter Agent(_Total)\\\Messages with SCL 2"`;
chomp $scl2;
$scl3       = `$CheckNTPath/check_nt -H $o_host -p $NsclientPort -v COUNTER -l "\\\MSExchange Content Filter Agent(_Total)\\\Messages with SCL 3"`;
chomp $scl3;
$scl4       = `$CheckNTPath/check_nt -H $o_host -p $NsclientPort -v COUNTER -l "\\\MSExchange Content Filter Agent(_Total)\\\Messages with SCL 4"`;
chomp $scl4;
$scl5       = `$CheckNTPath/check_nt -H $o_host -p $NsclientPort -v COUNTER -l "\\\MSExchange Content Filter Agent(_Total)\\\Messages with SCL 5"`; 
chomp $scl5;
$scl6       = `$CheckNTPath/check_nt -H $o_host -p $NsclientPort -v COUNTER -l "\\\MSExchange Content Filter Agent(_Total)\\\Messages with SCL 6"`;
chomp $scl6;
$scl7       = `$CheckNTPath/check_nt -H $o_host -p $NsclientPort -v COUNTER -l "\\\MSExchange Content Filter Agent(_Total)\\\Messages with SCL 7"`;
chomp $scl7;
$scl8       = `$CheckNTPath/check_nt -H $o_host -p $NsclientPort -v COUNTER -l "\\\MSExchange Content Filter Agent(_Total)\\\Messages with SCL 8"`;
chomp $scl8;
$scl9       = `$CheckNTPath/check_nt -H $o_host -p $NsclientPort -v COUNTER -l "\\\MSExchange Content Filter Agent(_Total)\\\Messages with SCL 9"`;
chomp $scl9;

print "scl0:"        . $scl0 .
      " scl1:"        . $scl1 .
      " scl2:"        . $scl2 .
      " scl3:"        . $scl3 .
      " scl4:"        . $scl4 .
      " scl5:"        . $scl5 .
      " scl6:"        . $scl6 .
      " scl7:"        . $scl7 .
      " scl8:"        . $scl8 .
      " scl9:"        . $scl9 .

#SPAM: Filter activigy 
} elsif ($o_command eq 'spam_filter'){

# Replace '$CheckNTPath/check_nt' with the localtion where your check_nt binary is located 

$scanned       = `$CheckNTPath/check_nt -H $o_host -p $NsclientPort -v COUNTER -l "\\\MSExchange Content Filter Agent(_Total)\\\Messages Scanned"`;
chomp $scanned;
$bypassed      = `$CheckNTPath/check_nt -H $o_host -p $NsclientPort -v COUNTER -l "\\\MSExchange Content Filter Agent(_Total)\\\Messages that Bypassed Scanning"`;
chomp $bypassed;
$deleted       = `$CheckNTPath/check_nt -H $o_host -p $NsclientPort -v COUNTER -l "\\\MSExchange Content Filter Agent(_Total)\\\Messages Deleted"`;
chomp $deleted;
$rejected      = `$CheckNTPath/check_nt -H $o_host -p $NsclientPort -v COUNTER -l "\\\MSExchange Content Filter Agent(_Total)\\\Messages Rejected"`;
chomp $rejected;
$quarantined   = `$CheckNTPath/check_nt -H $o_host -p $NsclientPort -v COUNTER -l "\\\MSExchange Content Filter Agent(_Total)\\\Messages Quarantined"`;
chomp $quarantined;
$skipped        = `$CheckNTPath/check_nt -H $o_host -p $NsclientPort -v COUNTER -l "\\\MSExchange Content Filter Agent(_Total)\\\Messages with SCL Unknown"`;
chomp $skipped;

print "bypassed:"     . $bypassed .
      " scanned:"     . $scanned .
      " deleted:"     . $deleted .
      " rejected:"    . $rejected .
      " quarantined:" . $quarantined .
      " skipped:"     . $skipped .


sub createFile {

   my ($filename) = shift;
   open FILE, ">", $filename or die "unable to create file $filename".$!;
   close (FILE);

#scan lines for passed keys in hash
sub scanForContent {
   my ($lines, $results) = @_;

   foreach my $key ( keys %$results ){
#print "DEBUG: scanning for key: ".$key."\n";
      foreach my $line (@$lines) {

         #The read line matches the key to search
         if ($line =~ /$key/){

            $key_length = (split(//, $key));
            $line_length = (split(//, $line));
#print "DEBUG: key length: ".$key_length."\n";

            $value = substr ($line, $key_length+1, $line_length-$key_length);
#            print "Matching key: ".$key." and line ". $line." and Value: ".$value."\n";
            #check if value is numeric
            if ($value =~ /^[0-9]*$/){
               %$results->{ $key } = $value; 
#print "DEBUG: SET VALUE $value to key $key \n";
            } else {
               print "Problem $value....TODO \n";

# appendLine  filename, line
sub writeToFile {

    my ($filename,$line) = @_;

    # open file for append and lock it 

    open (FILE,">$filename")|| &returnError (500,"Server error","Could not open file $filename for append");
    # and, in case someone appended
    # while we were waiting...
    seek(FILE, 0, 2);

    # write the line AND add a line end
    print FILE "$line\n";

    #unlock and close the file
    close (FILE);


I attached the perl script as well..
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Re: Cacti Exchange SMTP Stat shows -nan

Post by cigamit »

rgraves22 wrote:Im using spine to do the polling..
Yes, but what user does your poller (which launches spine) run as?

If not root, does that user have access to execute /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_nt ?
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Joined: Wed Oct 24, 2012 1:44 pm

Re: Cacti Exchange SMTP Stat shows -nan

Post by rgraves22 »

cigamit wrote:
rgraves22 wrote:Im using spine to do the polling..
Yes, but what user does your poller (which launches spine) run as?

If not root, does that user have access to execute /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_nt ?
Didn't think of it that way.. not sure which user spine runs as. I would assume Root since it was installed as root.

This is the only thing that does not work. Im running RPC stats for exchange connectivity, called out of the same root, both using NSClient++ and the RPC stats run perfectly fine. So, I do not think its on the permissions side of the script. Spine is doing the polling for the RPC
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Joined: Wed Oct 24, 2012 1:44 pm

Re: Cacti Exchange SMTP Stat shows -nan

Post by rgraves22 »

So, it was a permissions issue.

When I would create the graph, I would look at the /usr/share/cacti/rra directory and see the permissions were grey.. I did a chmod 777 -R /usr/share/cacti/rra and the graphs started populating.

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