Code: Select all
$ModLoad ommysql
# Provides UDP syslog reception
$ModLoad imudp
$UDPServerRun 514
# Insert the log's text into the syslog database by the costomer timestamp format of the cacti_syslog template
$template cacti_syslog,"INSERT INTO syslog_incoming(facility, priority, date, time, host, message) values ('%syslogfacility%', '%syslogpriority%', '%timereported:::date-mysql%', '%timereported:::date-mysql%', '%HOSTNAME%', '%msg%')", SQL
*.* >localhost,syslog,cacti,monitor;cacti_syslog
Code: Select all
$use_cacti_db = false;
if (!$use_cacti_db) {
$syslogdb_type = 'mysql';
$syslogdb_default = 'syslog';
$syslogdb_hostname = 'localhost';
$syslogdb_username = 'cacti';
$syslogdb_password = 'monitor;
$syslogdb_port = 3306;
Code: Select all
SYSLOG: Syslog Table is NOT Partitioned
SYSLOG: Deleted 0, Syslog Message(s) (older than 2012-08-07)
SYSLOG: Unique ID = 63
SYSLOG: Found 0, New Message(s) to process
SYSLOG: Stats 1, Record(s) to the 'syslog_statistics' table
SYSLOG: Found 1, Removal Rule(s) to process
SYSLOG: Deleted 0, Messages for removal rule 'New Removal Rule'
SYSLOG: Found 0, Alert Rules to process
SYSLOG: Moved 27, Message(s) to the 'syslog' table
SYSLOG: Deleted 27, Already Processed Message(s) from incoming
SYSLOG: Deleted 0, Syslog Statistics Record(s)
SYSLOG: Deleted 0, Syslog alarm log Record(s)
SYSLOG: Processing Reports...
SYSLOG: We have 0 Reports in the database
SYSLOG: Finished processing Reports...
09/06/2012 01:39:19 PM - SYSTEM SYSLOG STATS:Time:0.13 Deletes:0 Incoming:0 Removes:0 XFers:27 Alerts:0 Alarms:0 Reports:0
Solution: /etc/ntpdate ntp_server
Cacti Version 0.8.8a -- Plugin:syslog v1.22-1 Centos 6.3