LINUX: Input mysql from another box?

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LINUX: Input mysql from another box?

Post by hampton275 »

I have a server I use for grabbing network stats. (ie snort iptraf, etc. and graphing them on a different webserver.
How can I have the cacti "process" run on one box and output to the webserver running mysql? Is there a way I can setup a command to output to the webserver? I have setup cacti on both boxes.

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Post by TheWitness »


This is planned functionality and not currently available via the 0.8.6 package. It will get rolled into 0.8.7 (I think) and is not a big enhancement (at least I don't think so).

You will note that there is a variable for each DS called <path_rra>, if we set that variable to the UNC path of your webserver say "\\myserver\myshare" or "//myserver/mymount" and your poller has access to that share/mount, then you should be ok polling from the second box.

Again, we have planned, but it is not implemented yet. Ian and I have debated what get's done in 0.8.7 and we are leaning to a database tune and minor bug fix release only. More to follow. This may be supported "under the covers" if you will in 0.8.7. Depends on how difficult it actually becomes.

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