Threshold Settings

Support questions about the Threshold plugin

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Threshold Settings

Post by sphillips237 »


I have a question about thresholds settings. I have associated graphs to my devices and my intentions are to declare CPU, RAM and HDD thresholds for the devices being monitored…..

For example, the thresholds declaration will consist of

1. HDD has 15% of capacity space available
(i.e. Should I use High\Low Value or Basline)
2. If the RAM reaches 50% utilization
(i.e. set High Value to 50)
3. If the CPU reaches 50% utilization
(i.e. set High Value to 50)

With that said, the selection are listed below. Based off the results seeking, which selection should be used

• Baseline Deviation
• High\Low Values
• Time Based

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