Sendmail or SMTP

Support questions about the Threshold plugin

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Sendmail or SMTP

Post by trungmv »

Hi all,
I am using the latest cacti version.
I already received the email warning when the host is Down but with the threshold is not yet.

My setting threshold under Setting:

Everything configure with threshold seem ok:

I also received test email from "Send a Test Email" button when using PHP Mail() Function service
My DNS/Mail under Setting:

So, i think i can not received email by using PHP Mail() service.
Anyone could help me to setting up Sendmail or SMTP service on my server to received mail when threshold??
which should i use??
I am not own the server mail.
My system:
- server Centos
- Cacti: 0.8.7i
- sendmail: 8.13.8(default)

Any feedback is appreciated.
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