problem after ugrading from thold 0.3.9 to 0.4.9

Support questions about the Threshold plugin

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problem after ugrading from thold 0.3.9 to 0.4.9

Post by wil0277 »

The thold plugin seems to be having some problems after we upgraded it from 0.3.9 to 0.4.9.

I installed and activated the plugin on the plugin management page, and then manually run the upgrade.php script.

Do I have to manually modify the SQL table or something like that?

After installing and activating the plugin from plugin management page:

02/23/2012 02:00:09 PM - SYSTEM STATS: Time:9.0572 Method:spine Processes:2 Threads:25 Hosts:9 HostsPerProcess:5 DataSources:66 RRDsProcessed:42
02/23/2012 02:00:09 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Assoc Failed!, Error:'1054', SQL:"SELECT * FROM thold_data WHERE thold_enabled='on' AND tcheck=1"
02/23/2012 02:00:09 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: A DB Exec Failed!, Error:'1054', SQL:"UPDATE thold_data SET tcheck=0'
02/23/2012 02:00:09 PM - SYSTEM THOLD STATS: Time:0.0331 Tholds:0 DownHosts:0


After running the upgrade.php script:

02/23/2012 02:28:32 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: A DB Exec Failed!, Error:'1054', SQL:"ALTER TABLE `thold_template` ADD `data_type` int (3) NOT NULL default 0 AFTER syslog_priority'
02/23/2012 02:28:32 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: A DB Exec Failed!, Error:'1060', SQL:"ALTER TABLE thold_data ADD COLUMN bl_thold_valid INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0'
02/23/2012 02:28:33 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: A DB Exec Failed!, Error:'1064', SQL:"ALTER TABLE thold_data REMOVE COLUMN bl_enabled'
02/23/2012 02:28:33 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: A DB Exec Failed!, Error:'1064', SQL:"ALTER TABLE thold_template REMOVE COLUMN bl_enabled'
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Joined: Thu Feb 23, 2012 5:16 pm

Re: problem after ugrading from thold 0.3.9 to 0.4.9

Post by Swiftie »

This is a question I would also like to know.

Did OP overwrite/replace the old files with the newer ones and proceeded to run upgrade script? What is the correct procedure

From my reading of the many posts on this forum, it would appear that in order to update THOLD. You just need to backup your old plugin files. Upload the new one and visit the THOLD tab which in theory should update your plugin. Taking care that you also have the corresponding compatible SETTINGS plugin as well.
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