Graph the average utilisation of 4 cpus on a server

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Graph the average utilisation of 4 cpus on a server

Post by mickey »

Hey guys.

I have those server where I have more than 1 cpu, for exemple, one server have 4, and I would like to consolidate all the data in a nice graph with juste one line.

Once this is done, I would like to be able to add another server to that same graph, so instead of have 8 lines for 8 cpus, I'll have 2 lines for an average of 4 cpu/server each.

Is it possible, and how?

Post by Guest »

Something like: ?

The bottom 4 graphs have been added together creating a total in the top graph.

Post by mickey »

Kinda like that, but you added the 4 graphs together..

What I want on my side is an average of all 4 graph.. if I had all my cpu utilisation % it will give me an unreal % over 100%

I really need an average.. or a SUM / 4

Post by Guest »

I checked you other graphs, is GS1 a computer or a router or what? the data you get from it is very interesting..

Post by Guest »

Yea its possible to do an average for them

might write u the templates if i have time.

GS1 is a game server for Counter Strike - 32 players

Post by Guest » ... leaf_id=27

these graphs are very interesting, is it a windows or linux server? i wonder how you can get the memory and load average.. and that cpu graph, you have a way to separate system and users...

I guess because i query windows servers, i cant do that...

Post by Guest »

There all Linux servers except for Shuttle, that is Windows XP.

Post by Guest »

Well, i'm still looking for an answer to my problem (the average), if anyone can come up with sumthing..
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Joined: Wed Aug 18, 2004 11:23 am

Post by kgonzales »

Anonymous wrote:Well, i'm still looking for an answer to my problem (the average), if anyone can come up with sumthing..
I would suggest learning RPN. :)

Add all the data sources to the graph, but do not graph them. Then create a CDEF equation to add up then average the results from the 4 CPUs. Add a graph item to graph the results of the CDEF equation.

It's long, but it works. Read the documentation, and look at the example CDEF equations.
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Joined: Sun Aug 08, 2004 2:31 pm

Post by zlib »

Adding 4 sources together would be,

Cacti User
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Post by melchandra »

or you could simply use the special directive when creating a CDEF to use "all data sources no duplicates".... and divide by 4...
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