thold baseline deviation value

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thold baseline deviation value

Post by _raindrop18 »

I want to add my advance ping to thold 4.1. my objective is to create a baseline monitoring. what I am looking for the get the alert when the latency double for current baseline value.

this is my current value but appears to be the result is not correct. it's not alert when it's double but on much lower value.
Reference in the past - 604800 (week)
Time range - 86400
Baseline deviation UP - 200 %
Baseline deviation UP - 0
Baseline Trigger Count - 2
did i miss anything? any suggestion. thanks
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Re: thold baseline deviation value

Post by noname »

On thold-0.4.3 or prior, current value is compared against (maximum + up%) and (minimum-down%) during the given time range.
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Re: thold baseline deviation value

Post by _raindrop18 »

Thanks much! I am glad I got a response from you, because I have seen your nice drawing about thold but I didn't figure out what exactly mean. would you mind to confirm if i understood correctly this time around :)
my objective is to get alert when the ping latency double the baseline ms

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Reference in the past - 604800 (week)
Time range - 86400
Baseline deviation UP - 50%
example :- baseline (50) + up (50% ) = 100
so can get the alert when the base line calculation reach 100 ms? is the correct ?????

thanks again for your help!!!!
Last edited by _raindrop18 on Thu Feb 23, 2012 10:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: thold baseline deviation value

Post by noname »

As you know, baseline triggering is used to detect "abnormal" changes.
"Baseline" (nearly equal to "normal") value is determined by calculating from historical data.

Thold-0.4.3 or prior: "baseline" = Values ranging minimum to maximum in the given time range
Thold-0.4.4(maybe) or later: "baseline" = An average value in the given time range
_raindrop18 wrote:
example :- baseline (50) + up (5000% ) = 100
so can get the alert when the base line calculation reach 100 ms? is the correct ?????
"50" is the maximum latency which you can accept?
Or the latency which have been usually observed? (If so, please upgrade thold plugin)

Anyway, if you want to get alert when current value was doubled from baseline value, try to set "100" (%) to Up Deviation.

e.g.) 50ms + 50ms * 100% = 100ms
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Re: thold baseline deviation value

Post by _raindrop18 »

"50" is the maximum latency which you can accept?
Or the latency which have been usually observed? (If so, please upgrade thold plugin)
my objective is when the latency double from normal range. we have remote location all over the country, so the latency from nearest location are normally around (50ms) but the farthest one is around (110ms). so I can't put one fixed number that's why I want to get alert when the normal latency reach double.
so I should upgrade thold to the newer one? since I have some modified script and not even sure the newer one is compatible with my cacti v 8.e and P.A 2.5. those are the reason I have kept thold 4.3 but if my objective can't be done without upgrade then I will upgrade it...what do you think?

thank you so very much for your time!!!
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Re: thold baseline deviation value

Post by noname »

>> so I should upgrade thold to the newer one?
noname wrote: Thold-0.4.3 or prior: "baseline" = Values ranging minimum to maximum in the given time range
Thold-0.4.4(maybe) or later: "baseline" = An average value in the given time range
If there is a little difference between maximum and average latency, perhaps both versions will act similarly.
In other words, if you are not tolerant of fluctuation, you should use newer one.
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Re: thold baseline deviation value

Post by _raindrop18 »

ok, I will try the newer version. thanks a lot!!!
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