Autom8 style rules for Threshold provisioning

Support questions about the Threshold plugin

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Autom8 style rules for Threshold provisioning

Post by rosskus »

Hey all,

I use Cacti with Thold and Autom8 on a daily basis... I'm a big fan of what you're doing!

One of the really great features of Autom8 is its ability to use rules to define when a graph gets created or added to the tree. Are there any plans to add similar anything similar for Thresholds? It could be really useful to be able to define multiple threshold templates per DS and have rules decide which one to add for a given graph. For example, one might define multiple 'Interface Traffic' theshold templates with different limits, and want the actual templates that gets applied to be based on the interface speed.. or maybe even interface name. A string in the interface face could be used to key in on a particular SLA.

Does it make more sense to discuss this within the context of the autom8 plugin?

Ross Kusler
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Re: Autom8 style rules for Threshold provisioning

Post by gandalf »

rosskus wrote:Does it make more sense to discuss this within the context of the autom8 plugin?
No, because the missing function is requested for THOLD, not for AUTOM8.
I'm not sure whether it would be possible to provide an abstract "rule engine" as a "SYSTEM PLUGIN" for use with every custom plugin. I already though about that (which not too much effort), but did not get an idea.
All in all: I currently see this as a THOLD feature request
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