Threshold Calculation for Interface Traffic

Support questions about the Threshold plugin

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Threshold Calculation for Interface Traffic

Post by Wizzer »

I'm trying to setup a Threshold for Interface traffic over 90% for 30 minutes. I beleive I have everything setup correctly, but the RPN calculation does not appear to be working correctly.

I'm using the following RPN expression:

ds:traffic_in_hc=5000392.85 bytes/sec

When I calculate it I get 4% which is correct, but the threshold is reporting 232.94.

I'm not sure what is wrong. Any ideas?

Cacti v0.8.7i
PIA v3.1
Threshold v0.4.9-3
Threshold Calculation.jpg
Threshold Calculation.jpg (279.52 KiB) Viewed 1418 times
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