increased host CPU usage after upgrade

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increased host CPU usage after upgrade

Post by mavack »

Hi I wonder if anyone might be able to help, i am running cacti on ubuntu in a VM on my home network, only 6 hosts , maybe 100 different graphs when you add them up. Mostly its just for messing about and stuff and learning how to do stuff.

I was running 8.7g (installed from the ubuntu repository) about 2 months ago I upgraded it to .7h and then today to .7i

Since i did the .7h upgrade I have noticed that cpu usage has increased.

The linux internal load average graph went from average 0.1/0.2 it has now gone up to between .9>1.5 sometimes even getting up to 2

As i said before this is also a VM so i have the host cpu graph and that has increased on average 15-20% and you can see a clear jump when I changed.

No new graphs on any of the hosts and same database, i have tried using cmd.php and spine both with the same results.

Any idea what i should be looking at or seeing whats chewing it up? Before i dig it all up and start again? (I may have made a bit of a mess of the change .7g>.7h as ubuntu respo install puts stuff in different places so i had to shift them back to get it to work)

nothing unusual in the cacti logs
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Re: increased host CPU usage after upgrade

Post by gandalf »

We are at 087i with around 100k of data sources now. We did not notice such an effect and this is also new judging from forum posts up to now. Do you run latest spine? Do you have many scripts or is it more SNMP that you're using?
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Re: increased host CPU usage after upgrade

Post by mavack »

Some scripts, mostly snmp

I get similar results when i use spine or cmd.php (previously i was using cmd.php)

I'm wondering if i have made mess of something when i moved it across (from repo install to normal install) and since it was a bit of a hack job reverting will be difficult.

Looking at top when poller runs it kicks off plenty of cpu in mysql and php and spine if its turned on, other that the linux process in the queue graph and my host cpu graph i have nothing really to go on of what i could of changed other than cacti.

The only reason it really bothers me is higher cpu usage push's the clock speed up and increases heat output.
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