I Change From Mikrotik 4.x to Mikrotik 5.x , Found a Problem

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I Change From Mikrotik 4.x to Mikrotik 5.x , Found a Problem

Post by matiajelo »

Is there Different Between Mikrotik 4.X and 5.x version

in MIkrotik 4.x , All Queue SImple Displayed Correctly ..
But For Mikrotik 5.x it seems The Cacti query doesnt show up all OID for Queue simple

This is Query Verbose for Mikrotik 4.x version :
+ Running data query [13].
+ Found type = '3' [snmp query].
+ Found data query XML file at '/home/cacti/resource/snmp_queries/mikrotik_queue_simple.xml'
+ XML file parsed ok.
+ Executing SNMP walk for list of indexes @ '.'
+ Index found at OID: ''
+ Index found at OID: ''
+ Index found at OID: ''
+ Index found at OID: ''
+ Index found at OID: ''
+ Index found at OID: ''
+ Index found at OID: ''
+ Index found at OID: ''
+ Index found at OID: ''
+ Index found at OID: ''
+ Index found at OID: ''
+ Index found at OID: ''
+ Index found at OID: ''
+ Index found at OID: ''
+ Index found at OID: ''
+ Index found at OID: ''
+ Index found at OID: ''
+ Index found at OID: ''
+ Index found at OID: ''
+ Index found at OID: ''
+ Index found at OID: ''
+ Index found at OID: ''
+ Index found at OID: ''
+ Index found at OID: ''
+ Index found at OID: ''
+ Index found at OID: ''
+ Index found at OID: ''
+ Index found at OID: ''
+ Index found at OID: ''

This is Query Verbose for Mikrotik 5.x version :
+ Running data query [13].
+ Found type = '3' [snmp query].
+ Found data query XML file at '/home/cacti/resource/snmp_queries/mikrotik_queue_simple.xml'
+ XML file parsed ok.
+ Executing SNMP walk for list of indexes @ '.'
+ Index found at OID: ''
+ Index found at OID: ''
+ Index found at OID: ''
+ Index found at OID: ''
+ Index found at OID: ''
+ Index found at OID: ''
+ Index found at OID: ''
+ Index found at OID: ''
+ Index found at OID: ''
+ Index found at OID: ''
+ Index found at OID: ''
+ Index found at OID: ''
+ Index found at OID: ''
+ Index found at OID: ''
+ Index found at OID: ''
+ Index found at OID: ''
+ Index found at OID: ''
+ Index found at OID: ''
+ Index found at OID: ''

The problem For mikrotik 5.x there's alot of queue data don;t show up !!

Is there any one , got the same issue ?
Or there's another Mikrotik Template Update for v5.x ?
Posts: 2
Joined: Thu May 03, 2012 11:30 am

Re: I Change From Mikrotik 4.x to Mikrotik 5.x , Found a Pro

Post by fernandoc83 »


Old post but Can you solve the problem with the simple queues template? I'm having the same problem and I cant find the way to get graphs from any MK up from 5.x version.

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