Google Chrome: 14.0.835.202 m
Firefox: 7.0.1
Internet Explorer: 9.0.8112.16421
Authentication: LDAP (Windows AD)
LDAP Authentication Settings:
Code: Select all
Authentication Method: LDAP Authentication
Guest User: guest
User Template: admin
Server: <redacted>
Port Standard: 389
Port SSL: 636
Encryption: TLS
Referrals: Disabled
Mode: No Searching
Distinguished Name (DN): <username>@<redacted>.com
Require Group Membership: NOT CHECKED
Group Distingished Name (DN):
Group Member Attribute:
Group Member Type: Distinguished Name
Search Base: OU=<REDACTED>,DC=<redacted>,DC=com
Search Distingished Name (DN): CN=<redacted_user>,OU=<redacted_team>,OU=<REDACTED>,DC=<redacted>,DC=com
Search Password: <redacted_password>
Code: Select all
Firefox --
10/17/2011 07:58:01 PM - AUTH LDAP: Setting protocol version to 3
10/17/2011 07:58:06 PM - AUTH LDAP: Insuffient access
10/17/2011 07:58:06 PM - AUTH LOGIN: LDAP Error: Insuffient access
Chrome --
10/17/2011 07:58:10 PM - AUTH LDAP: Setting protocol version to 3
10/17/2011 07:58:10 PM - AUTH LOGIN: LDAP User '<redacted_user>' Authenticated
10/17/2011 07:58:10 PM - AUTH LOGIN: User '<redacted_user>' Authenticated
Internet Explorer --
10/17/2011 07:59:45 PM - AUTH LDAP: Setting protocol version to 3
10/17/2011 07:59:50 PM - AUTH LOGIN: LDAP User '<redacted_user>' Authenticated
10/17/2011 07:59:50 PM - AUTH LOGIN: User '<redacted_user>' Authenticated
What I was attempting to accomplish was to restrict users to a specific group; otherwise Guest access is the norm. Basically this is from the standpoint of a production systems team that needs easy management, but the rest of the company can access it via guest access. I was attempting some group filters, but that seemed to break things and I reverted back to the search index providing the filtering.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.