Slow polling on winserver 2008 64bit

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Slow polling on winserver 2008 64bit

Post by dekard20 »

Hi, I have two servers running cacti, the first one is a winserver 2003 , 32 bit which take 100 secs polling to complete. The second one is a winserver 2008 , 64bit with the same configurations but the polling time is around 200 secs...

Is there any changes I could do on my second server to get the same polling time as my first ?

Thank you!
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Re: Slow polling on winserver 2008 64bit

Post by BSOD2600 »

read through

Are you using any third party scripts/templates? Pure snmp polling should only take a few seconds per host.
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Re: Slow polling on winserver 2008 64bit

Post by dekard20 »

Cacti Version 0.8.7g
Plugin Architecture 2.8
Poller Type Cactid v
Server Info Windows NT 6.1
Web Server Microsoft-IIS/7.5
PHP Version 5.2.14
PHP Extensions bcmath, calendar, com_dotnet, ctype, date, filter, ftp, hash, iconv, json, odbc, pcre, Reflection, session, libxml, standard, tokenizer, zlib, SimpleXML, dom, SPL, wddx, xml, xmlreader, xmlwriter, cgi-fcgi, gd, ldap, mysql, PDO, pdo_mysql, snmp, sockets
MySQL Version 5.1.50-community
RRDTool Version 1.2.30
SNMP Version snmpget [OPTIONS] AGENT OID [OID]... Version: 5.5 Web: Email: OPTIONS: -h, --help display this help message -H display configuration file directives understood -v 1|2c|3 specifies SNMP version to use -V, --version display package version number SNMP Version 1 or 2c specific -c COMMUNITY set the community string SNMP Version 3 specific -a PROTOCOL set authentication protocol (MD5|SHA) -A PASSPHRASE set authentication protocol pass phrase -e ENGINE-ID set security engine ID (e.g. 800000020109840301) -E ENGINE-ID set context engine ID (e.g. 800000020109840301) -l LEVEL set security level (noAuthNoPriv|authNoPriv|authPriv) -n CONTEXT set context name (e.g. bridge1) -u USER-NAME set security name (e.g. bert) -x PROTOCOL set privacy protocol (DES) -X PASSPHRASE set privacy protocol pass phrase -Z BOOTS,TIME set destination engine boots/time General communication options -r RETRIES set the number of retries -t TIMEOUT set the request timeout (in seconds) Debugging -d dump input/output packets in hexadecimal -D TOKEN[,...] turn on debugging output for the specified TOKENs (ALL gives extremely verbose debugging output) General options -m MIB[:...] load given list of MIBs (ALL loads everything) -M DIR[:...] look in given list of directories for MIBs -P MIBOPTS Toggle various defaults controlling MIB parsing: u: allow the use of underlines in MIB symbols c: disallow the use of "--" to terminate comments d: save the DESCRIPTIONs of the MIB objects e: disable errors when MIB symbols conflict w: enable warnings when MIB symbols conflict W: enable detailed warnings when MIB symbols conflict R: replace MIB symbols from latest module -O OUTOPTS Toggle various defaults controlling output display: 0: print leading 0 for single-digit hex characters a: print all strings in ascii format b: do not break OID indexes down e: print enums numerically E: escape quotes in string indices f: print full OIDs on output n: print OIDs numerically q: quick print for easier parsing Q: quick print with equal-signs s: print only last symbolic element of OID S: print MIB module-id plus last element t: print timeticks unparsed as numeric integers T: print human-readable text along with hex strings u: print OIDs using UCD-style prefix suppression U: don't print units v: print values only (not OID = value) x: print all strings in hex format X: extended index format -I INOPTS Toggle various defaults controlling input parsing: b: do best/regex matching to find a MIB node h: don't apply DISPLAY-HINTs r: do not check values for range/type legality R: do random access to OID labels u: top-level OIDs must have '.' prefix (UCD-style) s SUFFIX: Append all textual OIDs with SUFFIX before parsing S PREFIX: Prepend all textual OIDs with PREFIX before parsing -L LOGOPTS Toggle various defaults controlling logging: e: log to standard error o: log to standard output n: don't log at all f file: log to the specified file s facility: log to syslog (via the specified facility) (variants) [EON] pri: log to standard error, output or /dev/null for level 'pri' and above [EON] p1-p2: log to standard error, output or /dev/null for levels 'p1' to 'p2' [FS] pri token: log to file/syslog for level 'pri' and above [FS] p1-p2 token: log to file/syslog for levels 'p1' to 'p2' -C APPOPTS Set various application specific behaviours: f: do not fix errors and retry the request
Login Page Mod (loginmod - v1.0)
Host Info (hostinfo - v0.2)

Here's few lines in my cacti log:

06/06/2011 01:23:51 PM - SYSTEM STATS: Time:231.0278 Method:spine Processes:2 Threads:10 Hosts:192 HostsPerProcess:96 DataSources:23500 RRDsProcessed:9652
06/06/2011 01:18:38 PM - SYSTEM STATS: Time:217.8036 Method:spine Processes:2 Threads:10 Hosts:192 HostsPerProcess:96 DataSources:23500 RRDsProcessed:9652
06/06/2011 01:13:16 PM - SYSTEM STATS: Time:196.6602 Method:spine Processes:2 Threads:10 Hosts:192 HostsPerProcess:96 DataSources:23500 RRDsProcessed:9652
06/06/2011 01:08:27 PM - SYSTEM STATS: Time:207.6134 Method:spine Processes:2 Threads:10 Hosts:192 HostsPerProcess:96 DataSources:23500 RRDsProcessed:9652
06/06/2011 01:03:47 PM - SYSTEM STATS: Time:226.6254 Method:spine Processes:2 Threads:10 Hosts:192 HostsPerProcess:96 DataSources:23500
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Re: Slow polling on winserver 2008 64bit

Post by BSOD2600 »

Oh, entirely different issue. You might want to look into using the Boost plugin.

With cacti 0.8.7g, you should be using PIA 2.9.
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