Anyone use MRTS with Cacti 0.85a

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Anyone use MRTS with Cacti 0.85a

Post by beavis »

If so, can you tell me why all the tables are showing 0 for the data per month/day, etc.. ??

It shows all the RRD files, but when I click on each one, the tables are blank.

Anyone get this working successfully ?

Post by Butcher »

The name of the datasources in the rrd are different from the ones mrtg uses (and mrts expects), change line 429 accordingly. Eg.

$rrdcommand = "$rrdcommand graph - -v 'Bytes/s' -b 1024 -w 390 DEF:avgin=$name:traffic_in:AVERAGE AREA:avgin#00CC00:'Traffic in' DEF:avgout=$name:traffic_out:AVERAGE LINE2:avgout#0000FF:'Traffic out'";
Posts: 23
Joined: Tue May 11, 2004 6:55 pm

Post by beavis »

Ok, I figured out the first part as it only shows the month totals AFTER the month has passed. If you want up-to-date info, you have to click on the month, and then the day stats are accurate.

Ok, another bothersome thing - when I run mrts.php, I see:


About 500 of them in my case. It would be nice to get a better description, instead of just listing the file names. I guess I would need to re-label all of my rras for this to happen ? No thanks. :x
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