Changelog since V0.31:
Have fun--- 0.35 ---
- fix: change input type='image' to 'button'
- fix: some html issues
- fix: remove unnecessary SQL
- fix: fix handling of graph items and trees (courtesy David Koski)
- fix: JS code for tree rule items added to handle closing bracket like graph rule items
- compat: all required patches for Cacti 087g aggregated in a single patch file
- feature: allow "( ... ) AND/OR ( ... )"
empty fields, operators and patterns
--- 0.34 ---
- fix: better upgrade procedure
- fix: unwanted empty list item removed from confirmation screen
- feature: logging level for AUTOM8 logging under "Settings -> Misc"
- feature: new filter "NOT REGEXP"
--- 0.33 ---
- fix: index errors (thanks terziyski)
- fix: no "propagation" flag allowed for host/graph tree items, index error fixed
- fix: remove deprecated php function calls
- fix: html formatting errors fixed
- fix: renaming function calls to make them unique
--- 0.32 ---
- fix: Some missing includes fixed for logging
- fix: fix to broken SQL statement
- fix: filter string was not persistent