Bluearc Titan 2000 Series

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Bluearc Titan 2000 Series

Post by Alphadog »

Hi there,

I've just created a template to monitor the Fibre Channel Statistics of a Bluearc Titan 2100.

Now I have the problem, that the Titan presents the "Interface Status" as numbers :

Code: Select all

unknown(0)  - the information could not be obtained.
enabled(1)  - the interface is enabled.
disabled(2) - the interface is disabled.
Is there any way to translate the 0, 1 or 2 I get by walking to unknown, enabled or disabled ??
Also I have the same Problem with temperatur-sensors :

Code: Select all

ok(1)                  - the reading is within the expected range.
tempWarning(2)         - the reading is outside of the expected range, but not severe.
tempSevere(3)          - The reading is severely outside the expected range.
tempSensoreFailed(4)   - the sensor unit has failed. The measured temperature is invalid
tempSensorWarning(5)   - the sensor unit is in a warning condition.
unknown(6)             - the status of the sensor could not be determined.
Any suggestions ?
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