Windows screensaver - Cacti graphs

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Windows screensaver - Cacti graphs

Post by br3tth »

Hey, I was hoping someone around here might of heard of a product/script/solution to do this:

Take a screenshot (every 5 mins or so) of our cacti graphs view page(showing like 20 graphs) and save it as an image which can be used as a screensaver which automatically updates.

So far all I can think of is creating a batch script to delete files older then 5 minutes in a directory, and display any files in the directory. But then I'd still need a product to automatically take screenshots, and save the pictures.

Any ideas??? I don't mind paying for a commercial product.

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Re: Windows screensaver - Cacti graphs

Post by BaddMann »

I'm new to this all, but maybe a simple ftp of the graphs out of cacti and into a webshare is all you need.
Once you have the graphs on a website then you can create custom html to present them.

Once you have the website created you can use one of the many Screensavers that show web sites as their screen saving feature.

Should be free and relatively easy to do, especially if you know how to automate it all.

I found and ftp Export option under Settings -> Graph Export.

Good luck
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