Syslog Error when Poller runs

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Syslog Error when Poller runs

Post by guardian »


I get the following error each time poller runs. I did a Google search and found a similar issue on this forum. It was caused by the affected user not importing the "pa.sql" into the cacti database.

Code: Select all

ERROR: SQL Assoc Failed!, Error:'1146', SQL:"SELECT 1 AS id,, ph.file, ph.function  FROM plugin_hooks AS ph  LEFT JOIN plugin_config AS pc  ON  WHERE ph.status = 1 AND hook = 'top_header'  AND IN ('settings', 'boost', 'dsstats')  UNION  SELECT,, ph.file, ph.function  FROM plugin_hooks AS ph  LEFT JOIN plugin_config AS pc  ON  WHERE ph.status = 1 AND hook = 'top_header'  AND NOT IN ('settings', 'boost', 'dsstats')  ORDER BY id ASC"
I have imported the tables an can see it in cacti database. There are no data which I'd expect due to this error.

Cacti ver 0.8.7g
Syslog plugin ver 0.5.2
PIA ver 2.8

Your help will be much appreciated.

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Re: Syslog Error when Poller runs

Post by TheWitness »

You are missing a table. Please run from the command line and tell us more. Also, tell us about your MySQL version.

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Re: Syslog Error when Poller runs

Post by guardian »


I have found out that each time I click on the syslog tab in Cacti I get that error and not by poller.php running as previously stated.

MySQL details below:

Code: Select all

mysql> show variables like "%version%";
| Variable_name           | Value                                                      |
| protocol_version        | 10                                                         |
| version                 | 5.0.77                                                     |
| version_bdb             | Sleepycat Software: Berkeley DB 4.1.24: (January 29, 2009) |
| version_comment         | Source distribution                                        |
| version_compile_machine | i386                                                       |
| version_compile_os      | redhat-linux-gnu                                           |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)
I think if I get the help to fix this, It'll probably resolve the issue of not seeing any host in the syslog? I've noticed in the console that I do not have any syslog management apart from the tab at the top. Hope these info helps.

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Re: Syslog Error when Poller runs

Post by TheWitness »

Please upgrade syslog to 1.05

True understanding begins only when we realize how little we truly understand...

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